c# Programming Glossary: upwards
Simulating mouse movement (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1949609/simulating-mouse-movement-c about making a small program that keeps moving the mouse upwards For those who would like to know tt's a tiny one use thing... In console versions you would hold the right stick upwards. In the bad console port on the PC you're using your mouse...
Display custom error page when file upload exceeds allowed size in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2759193/display-custom-error-page-when-file-upload-exceeds-allowed-size-in-asp-net-mvc share improve this question When running under IIS7 and upwards there is another parameter system.webServer security requestFiltering..
C# Deserialize XML to object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4085529/c-sharp-deserialize-xml-to-object C# classes we can't reproduce. But working from the xml upwards this works fine for me meaning the error is not as far as I..
how do i add text to image in c# or vb.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4587642/how-do-i-add-text-to-image-in-c-sharp-or-vb-net The application is a console app. it will run on win2000 upwards i will save the result image after adding text to file c# image..
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 We are getting very slow compile times which can take upwards of 20 minutes on dual core 2GHz 2G Ram machines. A lot of this..
Open huge TIF in .NET and copy parts to new image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9004149/open-huge-tif-in-net-and-copy-parts-to-new-image of the image. My image is 100 000 x 100 000 pixels upwards and creating a System.Drawing.Bitmap of that size crashes the..
How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921180/how-can-i-ensure-that-a-division-of-integers-is-always-rounded-up which computes the quotient but rounds the result always upwards not always towards zero . So write a specification for that..
Learning C# in Mono http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92592/learning-c-sharp-in-mono share improve this question I have been using mono for upwards of 2 years now. Work is windows and .Net home is mono on GNU..