c# Programming Glossary: user
Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace well. Some would argue that Math might be a bad name for a user defined class since there's already one in System the point..
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the Forms C# .NET There is a main form which hosts some user control. The user control does some heavy data operation such.. There is a main form which hosts some user control. The user control does some heavy data operation such that if I directly.. came a real problem. All the UI main form and its child usercontrols was created on the primary main thread. In the LOAD..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library classes that are dependencies of those more common end user classes. The question is what is the best way to design the.. as easy to use as possible reducing the amount of work a user has to do to create all these unimportant dependencies just.. feel that the resulting API becomes too complex for novice users you can always provide a few Facade classes that encapsulate..
How to force my .NET App to run as administrator on Windows 7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2818179/how-to-force-my-net-app-to-run-as-administrator-on-windows-7 level requireAdministrator uiAccess false The user gets the UAC prompt when they start the program. Use wisely..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering and happily buy software licenses and many computer users who either don't want to risk it find it wrong or are not tech.. should focus your efforts on providing them with a good user experience and ignore the people cracking your software. I've..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents app. Most programmers want to use DoEvents to stop their user interface from freezing when they write their own modal loop... They come from about 3 feet in front of the monitor. The user could for example close the main window while the loop that.. while the loop that calls DoEvents is running. That works user interface is gone. But your code didn't stop it is still executing..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface open waiting for the GC to finalize the object. If the user has called Dispose meaning they no longer plan to use the object.. being finalized i.e. destroyed call Dispose in case the user forgot to Dispose Warning subtle bug Keep reading But there's.. And all is good except you can do better If the user calls Dispose on your object then everything has been cleaned..
C# convert integer to hex and back again http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1139957/c-sharp-convert-integer-to-hex-and-back-again to B76 hex Let me explain what I am trying to do. I have User IDs in my database that are stored as integers. Rather than..
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api signature output of hmac hash the template of HTTP request User Agent agent Host host Timestamp timestamp Authentication username.. Example for GET request GET webapi.hmac api values User Agent Fiddler Host localhost Timestamp Thursday August 02 2012.. just an example POST webapi.hmac api values key2 value2 User Agent Fiddler Host localhost Content Type application x www..
Hash and salt passwords in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2138429/hash-and-salt-passwords-in-c-sharp going through one of DavidHayden's articles on Hashing User Passwords . Really I can't get what he is trying to achieve...
How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2246694/how-to-convert-json-object-to-custom-c-sharp-object of JSON Object passed in to the WebMethod public class User public string name get set public string teamname get set public.. you work with it. An example of how to use it public class User public User string json JObject jObject JObject.Parse json.. it. An example of how to use it public class User public User string json JObject jObject JObject.Parse json JToken jUser..
The underlying provider failed on Open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475008/the-underlying-provider-failed-on-open NData.mdf Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance True MultipleActiveResultSets True quot providerName.. Catalog NData Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance True MultipleActiveResultSets True quot providerName..
GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250037/gridview-sorting-sortdirection-always-ascending Status SortExpression Statusname asp BoundField DataField Username HeaderText User SortExpression Username Columns asp GridView.. Statusname asp BoundField DataField Username HeaderText User SortExpression Username Columns asp GridView The code behind.. DataField Username HeaderText User SortExpression Username Columns asp GridView The code behind is defined this way..
How to fix the flickering in User controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612487/how-to-fix-the-flickering-in-user-controls to fix the flickering in User controls In my application i am constantly moving from one.. true or SetStyle ControlStyles.UserPaint true SetStyle ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint true SetStyle.. can make it a lot worse. It starts when the UserControl paints itself. It draws the BackgroundImage leaving holes..
Sharing sessions across applications using the ASP.NET Session State Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2868316/sharing-sessions-across-applications-using-the-asp-net-session-state-service SQLServer sqlConnectionString Data Source . SQLEXPRESS User Id test Password test Application Name AppName machineKey validationKey..
Can't operator == be applied to generic types in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390900/cant-operator-be-applied-to-generic-types-in-c For the string type compares the values of the strings. User defined value types can overload the operator see operator ...
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline if success return input else throw new TimeoutException User did not provide input within the timelimit. Calling is of course..
How check if given string is legal (allowed) file name under Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/62771/how-check-if-given-string-is-legal-allowed-file-name-under-windows include batch file rename functionality in my application. User can type destination filename pattern and after replacing some..
Retrieving Property name from lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671968/retrieving-property-name-from-lambda-expression Here is what i currently have. eg. GetSortingInfo User u u.UserId It worked by casting it as a memberexpression only.. Here is what i currently have. eg. GetSortingInfo User u u.UserId It worked by casting it as a memberexpression only when the..
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9426673/web-app-blocked-while-processing-another-web-app-on-sharing-same-session Name Portal data source localhost Initial Catalog ASPState User ID sa Password dev2005 cookieless false compressionEnabled true..
Dump SSIS USER variable name and value in SQL Server table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11695821/dump-ssis-user-variable-name-and-value-in-sql-server-table SSIS USER variable name and value in SQL Server table Purpose Fetch all..
How to Syntax Highlight in a RichTextBox [C#]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1697360/how-to-syntax-highlight-in-a-richtextbox-c How do I syntax highlight in a richtextbox control AS THE USER TYPES and USING A String keywords . I will be publishing a lightweight..
When drawing an image: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1772083/when-drawing-an-image-system-runtime-interopservices-externalexception-a-gener an error instead of nothing. I checked the GDI objects and USER objects in the Task Manager but they're always around 65 user..
Winforms issue - Error creating window handle [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/222649/winforms-issue-error-creating-window-handle Manager to look at the GDI Objects Handles Threads and USER objects If not select those columns to be viewed Task Manager..
Unable to rename file with ftp methods when current user directory is different from root http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3035610/unable-to-rename-file-with-ftp-methods-when-current-user-directory-is-different newFilename FTPSettings.IP DOMAIN NAME FTPSettings.UserID USER ID FTPSettings.Password PASSWORD FtpWebRequest reqFTP null Stream..
Modifying App.Config file at the time of installation using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3608632/modifying-app-config-file-at-the-time-of-installation-using-c-sharp ConfigurationSection section config.GetSection USER c# share improve this question This article may have what..
C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249139/c-sharp-active-directory-get-domain-name-of-user on the searcher. The string being passed in is CN TEST USER CN Users DC tempe DC ktregression DC com private string GetUserDomain.. results.Dispose results null Assert.AreEqual FULLY TESTUSER1 string.Concat netBiosName foundLogin .ToUpperInvariant The..
logins , users, permissions in sql express 2005 , with diagram , flowchart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5117029/logins-users-permissions-in-sql-express-2005-with-diagram-flowchart what should i do do i have to grant permissions to both USERS SCHEMA OR to only USER OR to only SCHEMA. I am seeking improvements.. have to grant permissions to both USERS SCHEMA OR to only USER OR to only SCHEMA. I am seeking improvements in this model or.. far as i know CREATION OF LOGIN is necessary CREATION OF USER for the above created login is necessary CREATION OF SCHEMA..
Running Program as Administrator at Startup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5127375/running-program-as-administrator-at-startup work as Administrator at startup WITHOUT ASKING THE USER TO ACCEPT RUNNING AS ADMINISTRATOR that's exactly I want to..
How can I get DOMAIN\USER from an AD DirectoryEntry? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941002/how-can-i-get-domain-user-from-an-ad-directoryentry can I get DOMAIN USER from an AD DirectoryEntry How can I get the Windows user and..
Listing users with access to NetFrameworkConfigurationKey ACL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9528681/listing-users-with-access-to-netframeworkconfigurationkey-acl using strong aspnet_regiis pa NetFrameworkConfigurationKey USER . How can I list out all the users who have been given access..
C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980421/c-pass-a-user-defined-type-to-a-oracle-stored-procedure into a User table. The table is defined like CREATE TABLE USER Name VARCHAR2 50 Surname VARCHAR2 50 Dt_Birth DATE The stored..
How to create Encrypted PayNow button “on the fly” for Third-party customers, using Paypal NVP API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939960/how-to-create-encrypted-paynow-button-on-the-fly-for-third-party-customers-us As String https api 3t.sandbox.paypal.com nvp NVP.Add USER strUsername NVP.Add PWD strPassword NVP.Add SIGNATURE strSignature.. 3S4EF7BI96YHS ''use YOUR identification data NVP.Add USER yourApiUsername NVP.Add PWD yourApiPassword NVP.Add SIGNATURE.. 3S4EF7BI96YHS use YOUR identification data NVP.Add USER yourApiUsername NVP.Add PWD yourApiPassword NVP.Add SIGNATURE..