

c# Programming Glossary: system.io.memorystream

Open source C# code to present wave form?


couple of helper methods public float FloatArrayFromStream System.IO.MemoryStream stream return FloatArrayFromByteArray stream.GetBuffer public..

System.Drawing.Image to stream C#


this Image image ImageFormat formaw var stream new System.IO.MemoryStream image.Save stream formaw stream.Position 0 return stream Then..

Convert OLE object in DataRow into byte[] C#


Object imageBytes new byte oleFieldBytes.LongLength iPos System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream ms.Write oleFieldBytes iPos oleFieldBytes.Length.. iPos System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream ms.Write oleFieldBytes iPos oleFieldBytes.Length iPos imageBytes..

Using 256 x 256 Vista icon in application


Bitmap bmpPngExtracted null try byte srcBuf null using System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream icoIcon.Save stream srcBuf.. byte srcBuf null using System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream icoIcon.Save stream srcBuf stream.ToArray const int SizeICONDIR.. srcBuf SizeICONDIR SizeICONDIRENTRY iIndex 12 System.IO.MemoryStream destStream new System.IO.MemoryStream System.IO.BinaryWriter..

How to get the file size of a “System.Drawing.Image”


fileSize int new System.IO.FileInfo filePath .Length using System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream fileSize image.Save stream.. filePath .Length using System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream fileSize image.Save stream System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg..

Pulling a View from a database rather than a file


later public override System.IO.Stream Open return new System.IO.MemoryStream System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes this is a test Update..

WPF Image to byte[]


Bitmap newBMP new Bitmap originalBMP newWidth newHeight System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream newBMP.Save stream System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp.. newWidth newHeight System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream newBMP.Save stream System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp PHJProjectPhoto..

Extract image from PDF using itextsharp


PDFStremObj if bytes null try System.IO.MemoryStream MS new System.IO.MemoryStream bytes MS.Position 0 System.Drawing.Image.. if bytes null try System.IO.MemoryStream MS new System.IO.MemoryStream bytes MS.Position 0 System.Drawing.Image ImgPDF System.Drawing.Image.FromStream..

Deserialize unknown type with protobuf-net


internal void Send Messages.BaseMessage message using System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize.. message using System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize ms message byte messageTypeAndLength..

Compression/Decompression string with C#


byteArray indexBA byte item Prepare for compress System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.. item Prepare for compress System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream System.IO.Compression.GZipStream sw new System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.. byteArray indexBA byte item Prepare for decompress System.IO.MemoryStream ms new System.IO.MemoryStream byteArray System.IO.Compression.GZipStream..