

c# Programming Glossary: system.io.filestream

Upload file on ftp


new byte 4097 int bytes 0 int total_bytes int fi.Length System.IO.FileStream fs fi.OpenRead System.IO.Stream rs ftpClient.GetRequestStream..

SQLite keeps the database locked even after the connection is closed


connection we were unable to read the database file using System.IO.FileStream . I was disposing correctly both connection and tableadapters..

Displaying the build date


8 byte b new byte 2048 System.IO.Stream s null try s new System.IO.FileStream filePath System.IO.FileMode.Open System.IO.FileAccess.Read s.Read..

A C# equivalent of C's fread file i/o


mBuffer new byte Marshal.SizeOf typeof T public T Read System.IO.FileStream fs int bytes fs.Read mBuffer 0 mBuffer.Length if bytes 0 throw..

Download file of any type in Asp.Net MVC using FileResult?


fileName byte GetFile string s System.IO.FileStream fs System.IO.File.OpenRead s byte data new byte fs.Length int..

simultaneous read-write a file in C#


case I tried foo.txt a b c d e f string test foo.txt System.IO.FileStream fs new System.IO.FileStream test System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate.. b c d e f string test foo.txt System.IO.FileStream fs new System.IO.FileStream test System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite..

Get File Icon used by Shell


disk or do whatever you want with it. Using stream As New System.IO.FileStream c myfile.ico IO.FileMode.CreateNew TheIcon.Save stream End..

Free file locked by new Bitmap(filePath)


once it has been read from and disposed using var fs new System.IO.FileStream c path to file.bmp System.IO.FileMode.Open var bmp new Bitmap..

Generate a PDF that automatically prints


pdfCreator1.Document Open a PDF document from file System.IO.FileStream file1 new System.IO.FileStream test_input.pdf FileMode.Open.. a PDF document from file System.IO.FileStream file1 new System.IO.FileStream test_input.pdf FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.Read.. document.Attribute AutoPrint .Value true Save the document System.IO.FileStream file2 new System.IO.FileStream test_output.pdf System.IO.FileMode.Create..

“Parameter not valid” exception loading System.Drawing.Image


a Bitmap constructor was not valid. I have this code using System.IO.FileStream fs new System.IO.FileStream inputImage System.IO.FileMode.Open.. valid. I have this code using System.IO.FileStream fs new System.IO.FileStream inputImage System.IO.FileMode.Open System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite..

How can we show progress bar with FtpWebRequest


new byte buffLength int contentLen Opens a file stream System.IO.FileStream to read the file to be uploaded FileStream fs fileInf.OpenRead..

Using System.IO.Packaging to generate a ZIP file


fileStream dest private static void CopyStream System.IO.FileStream inputStream System.IO.Stream outputStream long bufferSize inputStream.Length..