

c# Programming Glossary: system.net.sockets.socket

High performance TCP server in C#


class is part of a set of enhancements to the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class that provide an alternative asynchronous pattern that..

ICMP in C#, SocketException - Forbidden by access permissions


code found here to work. However on this line Socket new System.Net.Sockets.Socket System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw.. System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Icmp I get SocketException..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


actually listenning for incomming connections. private System.Net.Sockets.Socket _serverSocket The start method actually starts the server socket.. should be between 1024 and 65000 e try _serverSocket new System.Net.Sockets.Socket serverEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily SocketType.Stream ProtocolType.Tcp.. SocketType.Stream ProtocolType.Tcp catch System.Net.Sockets.SocketException e throw new ApplicationException Could not create socket..