

c# Programming Glossary: stringformat

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


that for this control if textFont null textFont Font StringFormat drawFormat new StringFormat drawFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Near.. if textFont null textFont Font StringFormat drawFormat new StringFormat drawFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Near drawFormat.LineAlignment.. StringAlignment.Center drawFormat.FormatFlags StringFormatFlags.NoWrap string columnTextList text.Split ' ' for int iCol..

Why is Graphics.MeasureString() returning a higher than expected number?


you in displaying adjacent runs Firstly the default StringFormat adds an extra 1 6 em at each end of each output Secondly when.. these problems Always pass MeasureString and DrawString a StringFormat based on the typographic StringFormat GenericTypographic . Set.. and DrawString a StringFormat based on the typographic StringFormat GenericTypographic . Set the Graphics TextRenderingHint to TextRenderingHintAntiAlias..

Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net)


if opp1 adj1 img.Height opp2 adj2 img.Width break StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center.. adj2 img.Width break StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.LineAlignment..

C# vertical label in a winform


EventArgs e GenerateTexture private void GenerateTexture StringFormat format new StringFormat format.Alignment StringAlignment.Center.. private void GenerateTexture StringFormat format new StringFormat format.Alignment StringAlignment.Center format.LineAlignment..

how to print datagridview data on winforms?


a new page int iHeaderHeight 0 Used for the header height StringFormat strFormat Used to format the grid rows. ArrayList arrColumnLefts.. e try strFormat new StringFormat strFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center strFormat.LineAlignment..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


Window.Resources DockPanel TextBlock Text Binding Count StringFormat ' 0 Items' DockPanel.Dock Top ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding..

Format decimal for percentage values?


general formatting issue TextBlock Text Binding Percent StringFormat c# decimal percentage string.format formatprovider share..

Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#?


this sets the text to be rotated 90deg clockwise i.e. down StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat FormatFlags StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical.. 90deg clockwise i.e. down StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat FormatFlags StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical SizeF size creates.. StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat FormatFlags StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical SizeF size creates 1Kx1K image buffer..

How do I rotate a label in C#?


void OnPaint PaintEventArgs e Graphics graphics e.Graphics StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center.. Graphics graphics e.Graphics StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.Trimming..

Use “real” CultureInfo.CurrentCulture in WPF Binding, not CultureInfo from IetfLanguageTag


settings of the User says. TextBlock Text Binding Date StringFormat 0 d I am setting Language property as WPF XAML Bindings and..

C# Printing (RichTextBox)


Line PrintFont PrintBrush LeftMargin YPosition new StringFormat Count if Line null e.HasMorePages true else e.HasMorePages..

Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net)


adj1 img.Height opp2 adj2 img.Width break StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center.. break StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.LineAlignment.. stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.LineAlignment StringAlignment.Center gr.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode.AntiAlias..

Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#?


text to be rotated 90deg clockwise i.e. down StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat FormatFlags StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical.. size Graphics.FromImage imageg . MeasureString text f 25 stringFormat using Bitmap image new Bitmap int size.Width int size.Height.. is down draw text g.DrawString text f Brushes.Black 0f 0f stringFormat make be background transparent this will be an index rather..

How do I rotate a label in C#?


PaintEventArgs e Graphics graphics e.Graphics StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center.. e.Graphics StringFormat stringFormat new StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.Trimming StringTrimming.None.. StringFormat stringFormat.Alignment StringAlignment.Center stringFormat.Trimming StringTrimming.None Brush textBrush new SolidBrush..

c#, Rotated text align


Text this.Font textBrush new PointF 0 0 stringFormat graphics.ResetTransform and it work's fine. I can see text roteted.. roteted 270 degrees. But when I try to set alignment in stringFormat it goes crazy and I can't figure out what's going on. Maybe..