

c# Programming Glossary: structlayout

How do you get total amount of RAM the computer has?


to GlobalMemoryStatusEx to give accurate results heh StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto private class MEMORYSTATUSEX..

How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET?


int MAXLEN_PHYSADDR 8 Define the MIB_IPNETROW structure. StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential struct MIB_IPNETROW MarshalAs UnmanagedType.U4..

How do you retrieve a list of logged-in/connected users in .NET?


out System.IntPtr ppBuffer out uint pBytesReturned StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential private struct WTS_SESSION_INFO public..

Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device


OnlyValidateViaAuthenticode unchecked int 0xe0000245 StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential internal struct DeviceInfoData public.. Guid ClassGuid public int DevInst public IntPtr Reserved StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential internal struct PropertyChangeParameters..

Kill child process when parent process is killed


9 SecurityLimitInformation 5 GroupInformation 11 StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES public.. IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor public int bInheritHandle StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential struct JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION.. public Int16 PriorityClass public Int16 SchedulingClass StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential struct IO_COUNTERS public UInt64 ReadOperationCount..

When to use struct in C#?


#3 anyway. Our beloved dictionary has 2 internal structs StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential default for structs private struct Entry.. Tkey TValue use Reflector to see the code Serializable StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct Enumerator IEnumerator KeyValuePair..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


guid MarshalAs UnmanagedType.IUnknown out IntPtr ppvSite StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Unicode public struct.. UnmanagedType.ByValTStr SizeConst 100 public char rgwz StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct OLECMD public uint cmdID..

Is there a faster way to scan through a directory recursively in .NET?


public static extern bool FindClose IntPtr hFindFile StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Unicode public struct..

Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


QueryInformation 0x00000400 Synchronize 0x00100000 StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION.. CreateTime StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION.. public int PagedPoolUsage public int NonPagedPoolUsage StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public struct OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION..