c# Programming Glossary: string.join
General purpose FromEvent method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12865848/general-purpose-fromevent-method await new MyClass .FromEvent Fired Console.WriteLine string.Join result.Select arg arg.ToString .ToArray 123 abcd public class..
How to join int[] to a character separated string in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145856/how-to-join-int-to-a-character-separated-string-in-net this question var ints new int 1 2 3 4 5 var result string.Join ints.Select x x.ToString .ToArray Console.WriteLine result prints..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf new LogEntry Index index DateTime DateTime.Now Message string.Join Enumerable.Range 5 random.Next 10 50 .Select x words random.Next.. Index index DateTime DateTime.Now Message string.Join Enumerable.Range 5 random.Next 10 50 .Select x words random.Next..
ASP.Net MVC RouteData and arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752721/asp-net-mvc-routedata-and-arrays string.Format 0 1 key value string paramString string.Join urlParameters.ToArray ToArray not needed in 4.0 if string.IsNullOrEmpty..
WHERE IN (array of IDs) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/182060/where-in-array-of-ids command.CommandText.Replace @buildingID string.Join buildingIDs.Select b b.ToString which will replace the text..
Get BSSID (MAC address) of wireless access point from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187777/get-bssid-mac-address-of-wireless-access-point-from-c-sharp
Find common prefix of strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2070356/find-common-prefix-of-strings string xs new h a b c h a b d h a b e h a c string x string.Join xs.Select s s.Split ' ' .AsEnumerable .Transpose .TakeWhile..
How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484919/how-do-i-split-a-string-by-strings-and-include-the-delimiters-using-net FuncID t Milliseconds ms Console.WriteLine Output.Count t string.Join Output.Take 10 .Select x x.Length 15 x x.Substring 0 15 .....
Randomize a List<T> in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273313/randomize-a-listt-in-c-sharp Console.WriteLine The winning numbers are 0 string.Join numbers.GetRange 0 5 public static class ThreadSafeRandom ThreadStatic..
Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789504/get-the-property-as-a-string-from-an-expressionfunctmodel-tproperty memberExp.Expression out memberExp return string.Join . memberNames.ToArray code adjusted to prevent horizontal overflow..
Get individual query parameters from Uri http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884551/get-individual-query-parameters-from-uri share improve this question You can use var queryString string.Join string.Empty url.Split ' ' .Skip 1 System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString..
x86/x64 CPUID in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3216535/x86-x64-cpuid-in-c-sharp private static void Main Console.WriteLine CPUID0 0 string.Join CPUID0 .Select x x.ToString X2 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.. CPUID0 Console.WriteLine CPUID1 0 string.Join CPUID1 .Select x x.ToString X2 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..
Generating Permutations using LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4319049/generating-permutations-using-linq Main foreach var sequence in M 4 0 2 Console.WriteLine string.Join sequence Which produces the desired output nondecreasing sequences..
Can .NET load and parse a properties file equivalent to Java Properties class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/485659/can-net-load-and-parse-a-properties-file-equivalent-to-java-properties-class in File.ReadAllLines PATH_TO_FILE data.Add row.Split ' ' 0 string.Join row.Split ' ' .Skip 1 .ToArray Console.WriteLine data ServerName..
Creating a comma separated list from IList<string> or IEnumerable<string> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799446/creating-a-comma-separated-list-from-iliststring-or-ienumerablestring ... string array Helpers.ToArray strings You can then call string.Join . Of course you don't have to use a helper method C# 3 and .NET.. to use a helper method C# 3 and .NET 3.5 way string joined string.Join strings.ToArray C# 2 and .NET 2.0 way string joined string.Join.. strings.ToArray C# 2 and .NET 2.0 way string joined string.Join new List string strings .ToArray The latter is a bit of a mouthful..
How to build a query string for a URL in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/829080/how-to-build-a-query-string-for-a-url-in-c key HttpUtility.UrlEncode value .ToArray return string.Join array Possibly I could've formatted that better I imagine there's..
ProcessStartInfo hanging on “WaitForExit”? Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139593/processstartinfo-hanging-on-waitforexit-why new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo TheProgram.exe String.Join args info.CreateNoWindow true info.WindowStyle System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden..
How to join int[] to a character separated string in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145856/how-to-join-int-to-a-character-separated-string-in-net take an IEnumerable argument. I'm going to disappoint you String.Join requires array for a single reason performance. Join method.. of memory. Here is a part of internal implementation of String.Join method length computed from length of items in input array and..
How to store int[] array in application Settings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1766610/how-to-store-int-array-in-application-settings share improve this question to store string value String.Join intArray.Select i i.ToString .ToArray to re create int arr value.Split..
Java equivalents of C# String.Format() and String.Join() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187676/java-equivalents-of-c-sharp-string-format-and-string-join equivalents of C# String.Format and String.Join I know this is a bit of a newbie question but are there equivalents.. in Java Specifically I'm talking about String.Format and String.Join . c# java string share improve this question The Java String..
Converting a generic list to a CSV string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890093/converting-a-generic-list-to-a-csv-string already does for us. List int myValues string csv String.Join myValues.Select x x.ToString .ToArray For the general case IEnumerable.. For the general case IEnumerable T myList string csv String.Join myList.Select x x.ToString .ToArray As you can see it's effectively.. Now we can just say IEnumerable T sequence string csv String.Join sequence using the overload String.Join T string IEnumerable..
What's the best string concatenation method using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21078/whats-the-best-string-concatenation-method-using-c I've found that when the concatenations are less than 1000 String.Join is even more efficient than StringBuilder . StringBuilder sb.. StringBuilder sb.Append someString The only problem with String.Join is that you have to concatenate the strings with a common delimiter... the strings with a common delimiter. string key String.Join _ new String Customers_Contacts customerID database SessionID..
How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484919/how-do-i-split-a-string-by-strings-and-include-the-delimiters-using-net out var delimiters new List string . xx yy string pattern String.Join delimiters.Select d Regex.Escape d .ToArray The parentheses.. List string . xx yy if delimiters.Count 0 string pattern String.Join delimiters.Select d Regex.Escape d .ToArray string result.. b as in b delim1 delim2 delimN b string pattern @ b String.Join delimiters.Select d Regex.Escape d @ b Finally if trimming..
Splitting a string / number every Nth Character / Number? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4133377/splitting-a-string-number-every-nth-character-number this var parts 32427237 .SplitInParts 3 Console.WriteLine String.Join parts The output is 324 272 37 as desired. share improve this..
Create XML Nodes based on XPath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/508390/create-xml-nodes-based-on-xpath the array as an xpath expression and recurse string rest String.Join partsOfXPath.Skip 1 .ToArray return makeXPath doc node rest..
Regex to match multiple strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/698596/regex-to-match-multiple-strings
Import XML to SQL using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772946/import-xml-to-sql-using-c-sharp INSERT INTO 0 tableName string columnNames String.Join fieldNames string paramNames String.Join @ fieldNames command.CommandText.. columnNames String.Join fieldNames string paramNames String.Join @ fieldNames command.CommandText String.Concat INSERT INTO tableName..
Creating a comma separated list from IList<string> or IEnumerable<string> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799446/creating-a-comma-separated-list-from-iliststring-or-ienumerablestring string values from an IList string or IEnumerable string String.Join ... operates on a string so can be cumbersome to work with when..