c# Programming Glossary: streamed
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200910/create-hello-wold-websocket-example this question WebSockets is protocol that relies on TCP streamed connection. Although WebSockets is Message based protocol. If..
How to protect .Net exe from Decompiling/Cracking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11711446/how-to-protect-net-exe-from-decompiling-cracking one of two options. The person never gets your app it is streamed from a server under your control and they never get to see the..
WCF: using streaming with Message Contracts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1339857/wcf-using-streaming-with-message-contracts model for streaming is straightforward. For receiving streamed data specify an operation contract that has a single Stream.. has a single Stream typed input parameter. For returning streamed data return a Stream reference. ... This rule similarly applies..
WebAPI Request Streaming support http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14452871/webapi-request-streaming-support You can force Web API to work with requests in a streamed mode public class NoBufferPolicySelector WebHostBufferPolicySelector..
WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043683/wcf-httptransport-streamed-vs-buffered-transfermode HttpTransport streamed vs buffered TransferMode I have a self hosted WCF service v4.. with a single Stream parameter etc. as you usually do for streamed messages. I am still using my complex classes with the same.. have the numbers handy and then migrating from buffered to streamed TransferMode How can I prevent BufferManager PooledBufferManager..
wcf conditional compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4631627/wcf-conditional-compression
Icecast 2: protocol description, streaming to it using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5215019/icecast-2-protocol-description-streaming-to-it-using-c-sharp maybe tricks I may should must use to seamlessly work with streamed audio streamed over network of course in C#. Some general technical.. may should must use to seamlessly work with streamed audio streamed over network of course in C#. Some general technical documentation..
How can I prevent BufferManager / PooledBufferManager in my WCF client app from wasting memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7252417/how-can-i-prevent-buffermanager-pooledbuffermanager-in-my-wcf-client-app-from could be changing the TransferMode from 'buffered' to 'streamed'. Will have to investigate as 'streamed' mode has a couple of.. 'buffered' to 'streamed'. Will have to investigate as 'streamed' mode has a couple of limitations and I might not be able to.. and reduced to 470M when fully loaded. After switching to streamed mode memory consumption does not show a temporary peak and when..
Multi-key dictionaries (of another kind) in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171913/multi-key-dictionaries-of-another-kind-in-c
response size limitaiton of a WCF web serivces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1281269/response-size-limitaiton-of-a-wcf-web-serivces messageEncoding Mtom textEncoding utf 8 transferMode Streamed useDefaultWebProxy true readerQuotas maxDepth 1500000000 maxStringContentLength.. messageEncoding Mtom textEncoding utf 8 transferMode Streamed useDefaultWebProxy true readerQuotas maxDepth 32 maxStringContentLength..
WCF Service Library with NetTcpBinding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1297756/wcf-service-library-with-nettcpbinding netTcpBinding binding name tcpBinding transferMode Streamed portSharingEnabled false reliableSession enabled true security..
WCF: using streaming with Message Contracts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1339857/wcf-using-streaming-with-message-contracts messageVersion Soap12 httpTransport transferMode Streamed maxReceivedMessageSize 2147483647 binding customBinding UPDATE.. to MSDN Large Data and Streaming Programming Model for Streamed Transfers The programming model for streaming is straightforward...
Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1793119/could-not-find-a-base-address-that-matches-scheme-net-tcp 00 01 00 maxReceivedMessageSize 2147483647 transferMode Streamed portSharingEnabled true security mode None transport clientCredentialType..
How to handle large file uploads via WCF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1935040/how-to-handle-large-file-uploads-via-wcf is done by setting the transferMode of your binding to StreamedRequest StreamedResponse or just plain Streamed . bindings basicHttpBinding.. the transferMode of your binding to StreamedRequest StreamedResponse or just plain Streamed . bindings basicHttpBinding binding.. binding to StreamedRequest StreamedResponse or just plain Streamed . bindings basicHttpBinding binding name HttpStreaming maxReceivedMessageSize..
WCF client hangs on response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876955/wcf-client-hangs-on-response Changing transferMode Buffered into transferMode Streamed on the binding did the trick So the payload was apparently being..
The server has rejected the client credentials http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8577612/the-server-has-rejected-the-client-credentials maxReceivedMessageSize 20480000 transferMode Streamed security mode None security binding netTcpBinding bindings ..