c# Programming Glossary: str3
How should I concatenate strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102806/how-should-i-concatenate-strings String.Format abc 0 1 dynamicString dynamicString2 var str3 new StringBuilder abc . Append dynamicString . Append dynamicString2..
what's the use of string.Clone()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3465377/whats-the-use-of-string-clone the same string str1 bye new string created and # 2 string str3 hello string str4 string str3.Clone reference to the same string.. created and # 2 string str3 hello string str4 string str3.Clone reference to the same string str3 bye new string created.. string str4 string str3.Clone reference to the same string str3 bye new string created looks like they are identical aren't..
Reading a barcode using a USB barcode scanner along with ignoring keyboard data input while scanner product id and vendor id are not known http://stackoverflow.com/questions/615036/reading-a-barcode-using-a-usb-barcode-scanner-along-with-ignoring-keyboard-data Dim IsBarcodeTaken As Boolean False Dim Str As String Dim str3 As String Private Sub Form1_KeyDown ByVal sender As Object ByVal.. Me.KeyDown If Timer1.Enabled False Then Str TextBox1.Text str3 TextBox3.Text End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyPress ByVal.. Str TextBox1.Select Len TextBox1.Text 0 Str TextBox3.Text str3 TextBox3.Select Len TextBox3.Text 0 str3 End If End Sub Private..
protobuf-net inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6247513/protobuf-net-inheritance