c# Programming Glossary: sql's
Create event handler for OnScroll for web browser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11115043/create-event-handler-for-onscroll-for-web-browser-control
Database does not get updated with Attach method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11153915/database-does-not-get-updated-with-attach-method save method How can I reject all changes in a Linq to SQL's DataContext c# .net sql server linq linq to sql share improve..
How to query for terms IN a collection using Lucene.Net, similar to SQL's IN operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14405203/how-to-query-for-terms-in-a-collection-using-lucene-net-similar-to-sqls-in-ope for terms IN a collection using Lucene.Net similar to SQL's IN operator We are trying to search whether documents have.. element if it matches any of the input values similar to SQL's IN operator. This would be similar to a range query but the..
if statements matching multiple values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907299/if-statements-matching-multiple-values this question A more complicated way that emulates SQL's 'IN' public static class Ext public static bool In T this T..
Is maintain the transaction with a static LINQ to SQL DataContext in asp.net possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5324147/is-maintain-the-transaction-with-a-static-linq-to-sql-datacontext-in-asp-net-pos ObjectContext DbContext NHibernate's Session and LINQ to SQL's DataContext . The LINQ to SQL DataContext is NOT thread safe...
LIKE operator in LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5374481/like-operator-in-linq way to compare strings in a C# LINQ expression similar to SQL's LIKE operator Suppose I have a string list. On this list I want..