c# Programming Glossary: silent
Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583351/silent-failures-in-c-seemingly-unhandled-exceptions-that-does-not-crash-the-pr application. It ran without a problem. This is called a silent failure you can try to add messageboxes before and after and..
Detect silent install in .NET Custom Action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388530/detect-silent-install-in-net-custom-action silent install in .NET Custom Action How do you detect that the install.. Action How do you detect that the install is running in silent mode I have a custom application that I've added a .msi setup..
When to use ReleaseComObject vs FinalReleaseComObject? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3937181/when-to-use-releasecomobject-vs-finalreleasecomobject A very good report from real life is available here . The silent assassin section is most relevant. If it is absolutely essential..
Optional parameters in managed C++/CLI methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974237/optional-parameters-in-managed-c-cli-methods mentions that it can have a FieldInit value is silent about it. That's where the buck stops the C CLI compiler doesn't..
Inline property initialisation and trailing comma http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5245152/inline-property-initialisation-and-trailing-comma in those languages. For example ECMAScript JavaScript was silent on the issue initially and so naturally some implementations..
Deploy C# ActiveX in a CAB for Internet Explorer use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5484326/deploy-c-sharp-activex-in-a-cab-for-internet-explorer-use testing I would not use the qn switch either as that is a silent install. Create the Installer The installer has to do only one..
WPF WebBrowser control - how to supress script errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6138199/wpf-webbrowser-control-how-to-supress-script-errors C# routine that is capable of putting WPF's WebBrowser in silent mode. You can't call it at WebBrowser initialization as it 's.. NavigationEventArgs e SetSilent wbMain true make it silent private void button1_Click object sender RoutedEventArgs e .. public static void SetSilent WebBrowser browser bool silent if browser null throw new ArgumentNullException browser get..
C# Console App + Event Handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/764869/c-sharp-console-app-event-handling events in a console application. I would prefer to not use silent WinForms though I understand that that's one way to do it. I've.. see from the window setup boilerplate this still relies on silent windows albeit created and message pumped via the Win32 API..