c# Programming Glossary: signal
How to wait for a BackgroundWorker to cancel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/123661/how-to-wait-for-a-backgroundworker-to-cancel
Is there a way to indefinitely pause a thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142826/is-there-a-way-to-indefinitely-pause-a-thread thread within an application that is not a debugger should signal the other thread to suspend itself. The target thread must be.. The target thread must be designed to watch for this signal and respond appropriately. The proper way to suspend a thread.. You specify an infinite timeout so when the event is not signaled the thread will block indefinitely until the event is signaled..
Fast fourier transform in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170394/fast-fourier-transform-in-c-sharp Can be used in a product or are there any restrictions c# signal processing fft share improve this question This is a free..
Creating sine or square wave in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203890/creating-sine-or-square-wave-in-c-sharp equipment so how precise would these waves be c# audio signal processing share improve this question You can use NAudio..
Windows service and timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246697/windows-service-and-timer statusChecker.CheckStatus Create a timer that signals the delegate to invoke CheckStatus after one second and every.. new Timer timerDelegate autoEvent 1000 250 When autoEvent signals change the period to every 1 2 second. autoEvent.WaitOne 5000.. 0 500 Console.WriteLine nChanging period. n When autoEvent signals the second time dispose of the timer. autoEvent.WaitOne 5000..
Workaround for the WaitHandle.WaitAll 64 handle limit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2702545/workaround-for-the-waithandle-waitall-64-handle-limit the number of running tasks int numberOfTasks 100 Create a signal ManualResetEvent signal new ManualResetEvent false Decrement.. int numberOfTasks 100 Create a signal ManualResetEvent signal new ManualResetEvent false Decrement the number of tasks whenever.. ref numberOftasks 0 If there is no task remaining set the signal signal.Set Meanwhile somewhere else wait for the signal to be..
Question about terminating a thread cleanly in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3632149/question-about-terminating-a-thread-cleanly-in-net at safe points in your algorithm and bail out when it gets signalled. The standard approach is to mark the variable volatile ... thread requires waiting on an specific interval or for a signal during its normal operation. You can Set a ManualResetEvent.. which returns a bool indicating whether the event was signalled. The WaitOne takes a parameter that specifies how much time..
Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3661025/why-are-c-sharp-3-0-object-initializer-constructor-parentheses-optional Mr. Lippert Give us the inside scoop First off all you bat signal people if there is something you want brought to my attention..
How do events cause memory leaks in C# and how do Weak References help mitigate that? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662842/how-do-events-cause-memory-leaks-in-c-sharp-and-how-do-weak-references-help-miti source_SomeEvent _source null Then the calling code can signal that it is done using the object which will remove the reference..
How to get Frequency from FFT result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4364823/how-to-get-frequency-from-fft-result the peak frequency from this result. Please help me c# signal processing fft result share improve this question The first.. 511 511 44100 1024 22006.9 Hz Note that for a real input signal imaginary parts all zero the second half of the FFT bins from..
Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/722240/instantly-detect-client-disconnection-from-server-socket this question Since there are no events available to signal when the socket is disconnected you will have to poll it at..
Finalize vs Dispose http://stackoverflow.com/questions/732864/finalize-vs-dispose for instances are not used like this as they are used to signal from one thread to another. The question then becomes who should..
Beats per minute from real-time audio input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79445/beats-per-minute-from-real-time-audio-input or instructions on doing it myself. c# algorithm audio signal processing share improve this question Calculate a powerspectrum.. with a sliding window FFT Take 1024 samples double signal stream.Take 1024 Feed it to an FFT algorithm double real new.. 1024 Feed it to an FFT algorithm double real new double signal.Length double imag new double signal.Length FFT signal out real..