c# Programming Glossary: scrape
C# WebClient - View source question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1471062/c-sharp-webclient-view-source-question but I included everything for completeness. In order to scrape effectively you may need to deal with one or more of the following.. UI a login page or another undesirable location from the scraper app's perspective . always make sure you capture the cookies.. a crazy example of how redirection can trip up a screen scraper. Note that if you're using .NET for scraping you'll need to..
Perform screen-scape of Webbrowser control in thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18675606/perform-screen-scape-of-webbrowser-control-in-thread WebBrowser Control in a new thread Trying to get a screen scrape of a webpage I have been able to get the following code to successfully.. a form add the control make it visible and then screen scrape For obvious reasons I'm hoping to avoid such an approach. c#..
How do you Screen Scrape? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2425043/how-do-you-screen-scrape It's easy to grab the HTTP response it's a lot harder to scrape what the browser displays in response to client side script.. automated tests . You want it to be very easy to run your scraper in a non destructive fashion because you will be doing a lot.. with the target website it might be easier to write your scraper from the point of view of the browser itself rather than mucking..
C# thread pool limiting threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444627/c-sharp-thread-pool-limiting-threads resource. In your case your resource is running the web scrape or calculating some report etc. To do this in your static class..
Screen Scraping HTML with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4587727/screen-scraping-html-with-c-sharp of tinkering and trial and error to maintain your screen scrape there usually is for that sort of thing but that library is..
How to programmatically log in to a website to screenscape? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/975426/how-to-programmatically-log-in-to-a-website-to-screenscape if you can't login directly to the same page you want to scrape you will have to track whatever cookies are set after your login..