c# Programming Glossary: scanning
Detect Antivirus on Windows using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331887/detect-antivirus-on-windows-using-c-sharp The antivirus signatures are up to date. Real time scanning or on access scanning is turned on for antivirus programs. For.. signatures are up to date. Real time scanning or on access scanning is turned on for antivirus programs. For firewalls Windows Security..
Is there a faster way than this to find all the files in a directory and all sub directories? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2106877/is-there-a-faster-way-than-this-to-find-all-the-files-in-a-directory-and-all-sub first finding all the sub directories and then iteratively scanning each directory for files. Here's the method public static List..
Loading assemblies and its dependencies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22012/loading-assemblies-and-its-dependencies
Keep window on top and steal focus in WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278237/keep-window-on-top-and-steal-focus-in-winforms The problem is that I need to start up some scripts while scanning so I need the window to regain focus directly after I click..
.NET Scanning API [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39276/net-scanning-api that will work with most twain scanners c# .net twain scanning share improve this question In my company we use Pegasus..
How can I convert from a SID to an account name in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499053/how-can-i-convert-from-a-sid-to-an-account-name-in-c-sharp that either all I have is the path to the directory I'm scanning. Thanks in advance. c# sid share improve this question ..
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 .h files and only check for viruses on modify . Disable scanning the directory where your sources reside. Don't do anything stupid...
Look if a method is called inside a method using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741350/look-if-a-method-is-called-inside-a-method-using-reflection call.Key Console.Error.Write rCallTreeSearch level # 0 scanning 1 20 r recursionLevel call.Key.Name new string ' ' 21 _currentStack..
How to distinguish between multiple input devices in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/587840/how-to-distinguish-between-multiple-input-devices-in-c-sharp code ran. However after hooking up my barcode scanner and scanning a barcode the program did not recognize the scan. I put a break.. scanner is hooked up . I don't know if this is causing the scanning not to work. When iterating over the deviceNames here is the.. for HID#Vid_0536&Pid_01c1 could that be causing the scanning not to work OK so it seems that I had to figure out a way to..
IoC, Dll References, and Assembly Scanning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/809051/ioc-dll-references-and-assembly-scanning http stackoverflow.com questions 508399 structuremap and scanning assemblies c# inversion of control structuremap share improve.. StructureMap I needed a custom ITypeScanner to support scanning for assemblies public class MyScanner ITypeScanner public void..
What are some popular OCR algorithms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/850717/what-are-some-popular-ocr-algorithms so instead of writing the numbers 0 9 4000 times each and scanning them there's a UCI data set with all the numbers http archive.ics.uci.edu..
.NET virus scanning API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/975112/net-virus-scanning-api virus scanning API I'm building a web application in which I need to scan.. the application is written in C#. c# .net api antivirus scanning share improve this question I would probably just make a..