c# Programming Glossary: scope
Understanding Garbage Collection in .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17130382/understanding-garbage-collection-in-net even though the variable c1 in the main method is out of scope and not referenced further by any other object when GC.Collect..
Is it abusive to use IDisposable and “using” as a means for getting “scoped behavior” for exception safety? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2101524/is-it-abusive-to-use-idisposable-and-using-as-a-means-for-getting-scoped-beha and &ldquo using&rdquo as a means for getting &ldquo scoped behavior&rdquo for exception safety Something I often used.. and destructor to make sure that if something in that scope threw an exception then B would have a known state when the.. an exception then B would have a known state when the scope was exited. This isn't pure RAII as far as the acronym goes..
Windows service and timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246697/windows-service-and-timer timer is declared at the class level so that it stays in scope as long as it is needed. If the timer is declared in a long..
Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2508828/where-to-learn-about-vs-debugger-magic-names local in an iterator 6 the hoisted locals from an outer scope 7 a hoisted wrapped value wrap 8 the closure class instance..
Setting Objects to Null/Nothing after use in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785/setting-objects-to-null-nothing-after-use-in-net least in part I also know that when an object goes out of scope it is then marked for collection ready for the next pass of.. as it does not have to work out that it is no longer in scope and are they any bad side effects MSDN articles never do this..
Do you need to dispose of objects and set them to null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2926869/do-you-need-to-dispose-of-objects-and-set-them-to-null the garbage collector clean them up when they go out of scope c# .net garbage collection dispose share improve this question.. to set an object to null in order to make it go out of scope such as a static field whose value you no longer need but overall.. dispose of an object once your program leaves the scope of the using statement. using MyIDisposableObject obj new MyIDisposableObject..
Best practice to save application settings in a Windows Forms Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453161/best-practice-to-save-application-settings-in-a-windows-forms-application and other project types. Note that you need to set the scope property of your settings. If you select Application scope then.. scope property of your settings. If you select Application scope then Settings.Default. your property will be read only. share..
C# - The foreach identifier and closures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/512166/c-sharp-the-foreach-identifier-and-closures This means that there is only 1 f in terms of the closure scope and the threads might very likely get confused calling the method.. with tmp This then has a separate tmp in each closure scope so there is no risk of this issue. Here's a simple proof of..
What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564/what-is-the-difference-between-an-int-and-an-integer-in-java-and-c between objects and primitives are somewhat beyond the scope of this question but to summarize Objects provide facilities..
Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5940225/fastest-way-of-inserting-in-entity-framework with a pattern like this using TransactionScope scope new TransactionScope MyDbContext context null try context new.. finally if context null context.Dispose scope.Complete private MyDbContext AddToContext MyDbContext context..
Entity Framework - Using Transactions or SaveChanges(false) and AcceptAllChanges()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/815586/entity-framework-using-transactions-or-savechangesfalse-and-acceptallchanges I have to rollback or as soon as my method goes out of scope is the transaction ended What happens to any indentiy columns.. I.e. something like this bad using TransactionScope scope new TransactionScope Do something with context1 Do something.. if we get here things are looking good. scope.Complete If context1.SaveChanges succeeds but context2.SaveChanges..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach doing this is if you plan to use the variable outside the scope of the loop end while var finalString s However variables defined.. in strings var finalString s won't work you're outside the scope. So the compiler declares the variable in a way that makes it.. way that you couldn't if they were compiled with an inner scoped variable or is this just an arbitrary choice that was made..
How to configure Simple Injector to run background threads in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11041601/how-to-configure-simple-injector-to-run-background-threads-in-asp-net-mvc code is part of your composition root. private interface IScopeUnitOfWork IUnitOfWork private sealed class DiUnitOfWork UnitOfWork.. IUnitOfWork private sealed class DiUnitOfWork UnitOfWork IScopeUnitOfWork With this in place you can register the unit of work.. DiUnitOfWork container.RegisterLifetimeScope IScopeUnitOfWork DiUnitOfWork Register as hybrid PerWebRequest..
How do I use a Service Account to Access the Google Analytics API V3 with .NET C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12980215/how-do-i-use-a-service-account-to-access-the-google-analytics-api-v3-with-net-c args log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure string Scope Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.AnalyticsService.Scopes.Analytics.ToString.. string Scope Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.AnalyticsService.Scopes.Analytics.ToString .ToLower string scopeUrl https www.googleapis.com.. .ToLower string scopeUrl https www.googleapis.com auth Scope const string ServiceAccountId nnnnnnnnnnn.apps.googleusercontent.com..
Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438371/win32-api-function-to-programmatically-enable-disable-device Disable 2 PropChange 3 Start 4 Stop 5 Flags internal enum Scopes Global 1 ConfigSpecific 2 ConfigGeneral 4 internal enum SetupApiError.. DiFunction public StateChangeAction StateChange public Scopes Scope public int HwProfile internal class NativeMethods private.. public StateChangeAction StateChange public Scopes Scope public int HwProfile internal class NativeMethods private const..
Password encryption/ decryption code in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1678555/password-encryption-decryption-code-in-net plainText byte encrypted ProtectedData.Protect data null Scope return as base64 string return Convert.ToBase64String encrypted.. data byte decrypted ProtectedData.Unprotect data null Scope return Encoding.Unicode.GetString decrypted share improve..
Child Scope & CS0136 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296755/child-scope-cs0136 Scope CS0136 The following code fails to compile stating A local.. nested block even though it was before the declaration. Scopes are described in section 3.7 of the C# 3.0 specification. EDIT..
How to suppress a StyleCop warning? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3287656/how-to-suppress-a-stylecop-warning private methods must be placed after all public methods Scope namespace Target Consus.Client.ClientVaultModule.Services.OnlineDetection..
Scope of variables in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3979493/scope-of-variables-in-c-sharp of variables in C# I got a question for you guys on C# code..
How do I disable a system device programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4097000/how-do-i-disable-a-system-device-programatically ClassInstallHeader public UInt32 StateChange public UInt32 Scope public UInt32 HwProfile StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential struct.. disable DICS_DISABLE DICS_ENABLE propchangeparams.Scope DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL propchangeparams.HwProfile 0 SetupDiSetClassInstallParams..
How does TransactionScope roll back transactions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/494550/how-does-transactionscope-roll-back-transactions does TransactionScope roll back transactions I'm writing an integration test where.. However I've recently found out about TransactionScope which apparently can be used for this very purpose... Some example.. empAdapter new EmployeeAdapter using TransactionScope txScope new TransactionScope res deptAdapter.Insert dept.DepartmentName..
Access a Remote Directory from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433570/access-a-remote-directory-from-c-sharp networkName var netResource new NetResource Scope ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork ResourceType ResourceType.Disk.. var netResource new NetResource Scope ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork ResourceType ResourceType.Disk DisplayType.. public class NetResource public ResourceScope Scope public ResourceType ResourceType public ResourceDisplaytype..
Google+ API: How can I use RefreshTokens to avoid requesting access every time my app launches? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7454930/google-api-how-can-i-use-refreshtokens-to-avoid-requesting-access-every-time-m seem to cover this class Program private const string Scope https www.googleapis.com auth plus.me static void Main string.. URL IAuthorizationState state new AuthorizationState new Scope state.Callback new Uri NativeApplicationClient.OutOfBandCallbackUrl.. state new AuthorizationState new PlusService.Scopes.PlusMe.GetStringValue state.Callback new Uri NativeApplicationClient.OutOfBandCallbackUrl..
What is the value of an anonymous unattached block in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/85282/what-is-the-value-of-an-anonymous-unattached-block-in-c findings. c# block share improve this question Scope and garbage collection When you leave the unattached block any..
Restoring Window Size/Position With Multiple Monitors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937298/restoring-window-size-position-with-multiple-monitors Setting Name WindowPosition Type System.Drawing.Rectangle Scope User Value Profile Default 0 0 0 0 Value Setting Setting Name.. Name WindowState Type System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState Scope User Value Profile Default Normal Value Setting Settings SettingsFile..