c# Programming Glossary: scaling
C# get thumbnail from file via windows api http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1439719/c-sharp-get-thumbnail-from-file-via-windows-api answers seem to be centered around web page thumbnails or scaling an image. But that's not at all what I'm looking for. What I..
Formatting numbers with significant figures in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158172/formatting-numbers-with-significant-figures-in-c-sharp negative places which would round at whole numbers so the scaling isn't needed. Also see this other thread . Pyrolistical's method.. Shouldn't get here unless we need to scale it. Set the scaling value for rounding whole numbers or decimals past 15 places..
Send document to printer with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218556/send-document-to-printer-with-c-sharp another scarce resource the printers should keep this from scaling beyond what your web server could cope with. So you may have..
Resizing an image in asp.net without losing the image quality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2319983/resizing-an-image-in-asp-net-without-losing-the-image-quality Has anyone succeed in doing this c# asp.net image image scaling share improve this question I had the same problem a while..
High Quality Image Scaling C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249587/high-quality-image-scaling-c-sharp thing c# image image processing image manipulation image scaling share improve this question Here's a nicely commented Image..
Deep copy of List<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4226747/deep-copy-of-listt data of the subset of List onto a graph possibly with some scaling or sweeping on the data. I obviously don't need to plot everything..
Can I put an ASP.Net session ID in a hidden form field? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43324/can-i-put-an-asp-net-session-id-in-a-hidden-form-field break. I might not be worried except I do plan on scaling this app in the future. Does anyone have a better way Is there..
What are good algorithms for vehicle license plate detection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707607/what-are-good-algorithms-for-vehicle-license-plate-detection conversion to pure black and white monochrome and perhaps scaling shifting into a nice tight rectangle. Use API Next employ an..
Projecting a 3D point to a 2D screen coordinate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519106/projecting-a-3d-point-to-a-2d-screen-coordinate Additional currently unused projection scaling factors double xScale 1 Math.Tan Math.PI cam.FieldOfView 360.. confused as to why. The block commented section contains scaling calculations that may be essential however I am not sure how..
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 am interested to know how other teams have dealt with this scaling issue what do you do when your code base reaches a critical..
Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8633034/basic-render-3d-perspective-projection-onto-2d-screen-with-camera-without-openg matrix of the form x y z 1 . The final component is 'w' a scaling factor which for vectors is 0 this has the effect that you can't.. list and a few links. Successive application of moving scaling and rotating applied to points is collectively the model transformation..
Resizing an Image without losing any quality [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/87753/resizing-an-image-without-losing-any-quality image quality cannot be affected by this. c# image image scaling share improve this question As rcar says you can't without..
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack And because OData is really slow you'll hit performance scaling problems with it early. The lack of control over the endpoint..