c# Programming Glossary: satisfying
Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168240/encrypting-decrypting-a-string-in-c-sharp a String in C# What is the most modern best way of satisfying the following in C# string encryptedString SomeStaticClass.Encrypt..
Changing App.config at Runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2008800/changing-app-config-at-runtime project. It may sound a bit wrong but we couldn't find a satisfying way to measure performance of a remote application. End Update..
How to get index using LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2471588/how-to-get-index-using-linq Price 9999 .. How can I find the index of the first car satisfying a certain condition with LINQ EDIT I could think of something..
C# WebClient disable cache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812089/c-sharp-webclient-disable-cache Web Service to satisfy the needs you first thought about satisfying with such file in the first place. And if you are considering..
C# Generic method return values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4712567/c-sharp-generic-method-return-values if the wrong type is passed in which generally isn't very satisfying. Your best approach in this case is to abandon generics and..
Why are there no lifted short-circuiting operators on `bool?`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5204366/why-are-there-no-lifted-short-circuiting-operators-on-bool another SO question on this but found none of the answers satisfying. Jeff Yates's answer shows a nice reason for why lifting the..
Mysql Haversine Procedure (radius)using a center point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6352089/mysql-haversine-procedure-radiususing-a-center-point enough to perform an index scan to quickly find places satisfying Lat 1.2393 It then goes on to perform some additional checks...
OleDB not supported in 64bit mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/861022/oledb-not-supported-in-64bit-mode about deprecated MDAC . I am afraid the answer is not very satisfying ... These new or converted Jet applications can continue to..
How to Fix the Memory Leak in IE WebBrowser Control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/904478/how-to-fix-the-memory-leak-in-ie-webbrowser-control net having the exact same problem but I haven ™t found a satisfying answer yet. This is the best discussions about this issue I..