

c# Programming Glossary: polygon

How to intersect two polygons?


to intersect two polygons This seems non trivial it gets asked quite a lot on various.. as a building block for a more complex algorithm. Input 2 polygons A and B in 2D given as a list of edges x0 y0 x1 y2 ... each... I do know that they are not necessarily convex. Output 3 polygons representing A B and the intersecting polygon AB. Either of..

C# Point in polygon


Point in polygon I'm trying to determine if a point is inside a polygon. the.. in polygon I'm trying to determine if a point is inside a polygon. the Polygon is defined by an array of Point objects. I can.. figure out if the point is inside the bounded box of the polygon but I'm not sure how to tell if it's inside the actual polygon..

How to intersect two polygons?


with the first. EDIT2 I am currently using the GPC General Polygon Clipper library that makes this really easy c# polygon intersection..

How to know if a line intersects a plane in C#? - Basic 2D geometry


float Y2 get return p2.Y set p2.Y value public struct Polygon IEnumerable PointF private PointF points public Polygon PointF.. Polygon IEnumerable PointF private PointF points public Polygon PointF points this.points points public PointF Points get.. points index value public static implicit operator PointF Polygon polygon return polygon.points public static implicit operator..

C# Point in polygon


trying to determine if a point is inside a polygon. the Polygon is defined by an array of Point objects. I can easily figure.. a code for it in c# may be is buggy public static bool IsInPolygon Point poly Point point var coef poly.Skip 1 .Select p i .. Point X 1 Y 3 new Point X 3 Y 3 new Point X 3 Y 1 IsInPolygon pts new Point X 2 Y 2 true IsInPolygon pts new Point X 1 Y 2..

What is the best way to parse (big) XML in C# Code?


fType vegetation fTypeId 1129 fClass vegetation gType Polygon ID 0 cLockNr 51598 metadataId 51599 mdFileId NRM TIS VEGETATION.. 9543_22_v3 dataScale 25000 MultiGeometry geometryMember Polygon outerBoundaryIs LinearRing coordinates 153.505004 27.42196 153.505044.. 153.505004 27.42196 coordinates LinearRing outerBoundaryIs Polygon geometryMember MultiGeometry feature c# xml xml serialization..

Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight


#FFdc000c CornerRadius 0.7 VerticalAlignment Top Grid Polygon x Name toolTipCorner Grid.ZIndex 2 Margin 1 Points 6 6 6..