

c# Programming Glossary: porttype

400 Bad Request Exception: Simple SOAP WCF service with small data


parameters element import0 getMultipliedResponse message portType name CalculationServiceInterface wsdl documentation xmlns wsdl.. output message tns getMultipliedOut operation portType binding name BasicHttpBinding_CalculationServiceInterface type..

One WCF service ??two clients; One client does not work


parameters element import0 getMultipliedResponse message portType name CalculationServiceInterface wsdl documentation xmlns wsdl.. output message tns getMultipliedOut operation portType binding name BasicHttpBinding_CalculationServiceInterface type..

Service Reference Error: Failed to generate code for the service reference


wsdl binding Detail There was an error importing a wsdl portType that the wsdl binding is dependent on. XPath to wsdl portType.. that the wsdl binding is dependent on. XPath to wsdl portType wsdl definitions @targetNamespace 'http service.ebms.edi.cecid.hku.hk.. 'http service.ebms.edi.cecid.hku.hk ' wsdl portType @name 'EbmsStatusQuery' XPath to Error Source wsdl definitions..

Parse Complex WSDL Parameter Information


and each operations input output foreach PortType portType in serviceDescription.PortTypes foreach Operation operation.. foreach Operation operation in portType.Operations Console.Out.WriteLine operation.Name foreach var..