

c# Programming Glossary: plugged

What would I lose by abandoning the standard EventHandler pattern in .NET?


that blows up at runtime. The hole has effectively been plugged by defining EventHandler T differently to Action T . So for..

Capture Sound Output In C#


way to capture audio output without the need for a cable plugged in to the headphone jack and wired to the other computer. The.. the sound output on a windows machine as though I had plugged something into the headphone jack. Thanks in advance for any..

Implementing Audit Trail for Objects in C#?


and specific operations can be performed. This can be plugged in and plugged off when we like. However our implementation.. operations can be performed. This can be plugged in and plugged off when we like. However our implementation was in J2EE.. If..

wcf conditional compression


conditional compression I recently plugged in a custom encoder uses binary encoder to do the actual encoding..

How to detect a USB drive has been plugged in?


to detect a USB drive has been plugged in I want to built a program than it detects if a usb or two..

Best way to programmatically configure network adapters in .NET


don't seem to stick and when the network cable is not plugged in errors are returned from the WMI methods so I can't tell..

Looking for C# code for detecting removable drive (usb flash)


snippet to give me a notification for when a USB drive is plugged into my PC in Windows Vista or win7 c# windows vista usb drive..

Why C# implements methods as non-virtual by default?


by default means that every function in the class can be plugged out and replaced by another which is not really a good thing...

Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port


a unplugged virtual Serial Port I got a little problem with a USB Barcode.. is is there any way to close the virtual port after I unplugged the device via C# code Greetings edit #1 Alrighty some more.. This way I am checking every 10 seconds if the device is plugged in private bool CheckUsbDeviceAvailability ManagementObjectSearcher..