c# Programming Glossary: personlist
XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212742/xml-serialize-generic-list-of-serializable-objects serializableList.Add ISerializable PersonList using StreamWriter streamWriter System.IO.File.CreateText fileName.. FirstName get return _firstName set _firstName value The PersonList is just a List Person . This is just for testing though so didn't..
XmlSerializer List Item Element Name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2292480/xmlserializer-list-item-element-name List Item Element Name I have a class PersonList XmlRoot Persons PersonList List Human when I serialize this.. Element Name I have a class PersonList XmlRoot Persons PersonList List Human when I serialize this to XML by default it will produce.. Person Persons and how to deserialize the above XML to the PersonList class object Per Nick's advice Here is my testing code XmlRoot..
How can I replace static ObservableCollection so it accesable on all windows in the MVVM way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9500240/how-can-i-replace-static-observablecollection-so-it-accesable-on-all-windows-in MyViewModel public ObservableCollection PersonViewModel PersonList get return somerandomclasss.thepeoplelist ... ListBox ItemsSource..