

c# Programming Glossary: oledb

When reading a CSV file using a DataReader and the OLEDB Jet data provider, how can I control column data types?


reading a CSV file using a DataReader and the OLEDB Jet data provider how can I control column data types In my.. types In my C# application I am using the Microsoft Jet OLEDB data provider to read a CSV file. The connection string looks.. connection string looks like this Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source c Data Extended Properties text HDR Yes FMT..

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER


as windows services and ASP.NET sites so I needed to use OLEDB. c# excel oledb server side share improve this question .. the sheet names. Therefore here is an example using OLEDB to retrieve them summary This method retrieves the excel sheet.. you will search. String connString Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source excelFile Extended Properties Excel 8.0 Create..

OpenXML takes much longer than OLEDB to read rows from Excel sheet


takes much longer than OLEDB to read rows from Excel sheet When I used OLEDB it takes only.. than OLEDB to read rows from Excel sheet When I used OLEDB it takes only 2 3 seconds to read 3200 rows from an Excel Sheet...

How can I programatically create, read, write an excel without having office installed?


the bazillion ways to read write create excel files. VSTO OLEDB etc but they all seem to have the requirement that office must..

Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable?


vb.net share improve this question I have always used OLEDB for this something like... Dim sSheetName As String Dim sConnection.. As OleDbConnection sConnection Provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Data Source C Test.xls Extended Properties Excel 12.0 HDR.. End If oleExcelConnection.Close The ACE.OLEDB provider will read both .xls and .xlsx files and I have always..

How can I read an Access file (.accdb) from a stream?


.accdb from a stream I asked two similar questions Use OLEDB to read AccessFile from Stream to DataSet Read Microsoft Access.. an Access file .accdb from a stream. I've tried to use OLEDB and OpenXML SDK but it seems none of them are able to access.. need a file. Hence you'll have to work with the file using OLEDB OPENXML or via the Object Model. Since .Net 4. Streams have..

Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed]


Excel to be on the machine you are using. Also the OLEDB method is intriguing but may not yield much more than what I..

Connecting C# to Oracle


Oracle System.Data.OracleClient Microsoft ODBC Oracle OLEDB Oracle DataDirect ADO.NET Data Provider for Oracle DataDirect.. be from database installation instant client ODP.Net ODBC OLEDB are part of full client. This is the hard way because an installation..

Speed up insert mdb


pooling threading Here is my constr Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source mypath Jet OLEDB Engine Type 5 Regards _Eric.. Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source mypath Jet OLEDB Engine Type 5 Regards _Eric c# ms access share improve this..

How to force ADO.Net to use only the System.String DataType in the readers TableSchema


have used these connection strings Provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Data Source ExcelFile.xlsx Persist Security Info False.. Properties Excel 12.0 IMEX 1 HDR No Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source ExcelFile.xlsx Persist Security Info False Extended.. share improve this question As you have discovered OLEDB uses Jet which is limited in the manner in which it can be tweaked...

Query Microsoft Access MDB Database using LINQ and C#


What you want is a LINQ to ODBC provider or a LINQ to JET OLEDB provider. Out of the box MS doesn't make one. There may be a..

Could not find installable ISAM


code string excelConnectionString @ Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source C db suc.xls Extended Properties Excel 12.0.. this question There's no 64 bit version of the Jet OLEDB drivers so if you are running this on a 64 bit OS you might..

Is OraOLEDB provider in .NET unreliable on CLOB fields?


OraOLEDB provider in .NET unreliable on CLOB fields I have a query that.. as CLOB in the database. So my question is is the OraOLEDB provider just plain unreliable This is really spotty behavior... var connection new OleDbConnection Provider OraOLEDB.Oracle Data Source localhost User Id x Password x connection.Open..

How to read/write dBase III files using C#/.NET ODBC or OLE?


techniques on how to read write dBase III dbf files using OLEDB or ODBC with C# .NET. I have tried almost all of the tecniques.. Something like ... ConnectionString Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 _ Data Source e My Documents dBase Extended Properties dBase..

Access exchange e-mail in C#


C# so you'll have to go out of proc . Exchange also has an OLEDB provider but I've never used it it is supported from .NET however...

Is there a “proper” way to read CSV files [duplicate]


I can find or any other proper way to do it c# .net csv oledb share improve this question CsvReader is a pretty good one.....

When reading a CSV file using a DataReader and the OLEDB Jet data provider, how can I control column data types?


a column as strings instead of numbers c# .net csv oledb share improve this question There's a schema file you can..

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER


and ASP.NET sites so I needed to use OLEDB. c# excel oledb server side share improve this question Can you not just..

OpenXML takes much longer than OLEDB to read rows from Excel sheet


I can change this to code to read faster c# .net excel oledb openxml share improve this question Have you tried the SAX..

OleDbCommand parameters order and priority


what am I missing here Thank you c# ms access ado.net oledb share improve this question According to http msdn.microsoft.com.. to http msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.data.oledb.oledbcommand.parameters.aspx OleDbCommand does not support named.. to http msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.data.oledb.oledbcommand.parameters.aspx OleDbCommand does not support named parameter..

Data type mismatch in criteria expression | Access, OleDb, C#


Thanks in advance. c# asp.net ms access datetime oledb share improve this question There is a known issue with..

The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine


dt conn.Close Console.WriteLine dt.ToString c# .net oledb share improve this question That's because there is no Jet..

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine


driver to read and write to the Excel .xls c# .net oledb 32bit 64bit jet share improve this question I found a solution..

Gathering data from Access database


connecting to accdb format ms access database through oledb c# .net vb.net ms access oledb share improve this question.. ms access database through oledb c# .net vb.net ms access oledb share improve this question From here you use the OleDbDataReader..

How in .Net do I Import Values from a CSV in the format I want using OleDB?


if dbReader 0 DBNull.Value do some work c# .net csv oledb data access share improve this question Try to use GetString..

how to update a table using oledb parameters?


to update a table using oledb parameters I am having a table which has three fields namely.. but the fields are not getting updated. I hope using oledb parameters the fields can be updated. Here is my code. public.. MessageBox.Show Data Updated Succesfully c# oledb share improve this question You are close with the rest..

Accessing Excel Spreadsheet with C# occasionally returns blank value for some cells


fix Thanks in advance. c# excel visual studio 2008 oledb share improve this question Solution Connection String Provider..

Could not find installable ISAM


find installable ISAM. at connection.Open . Any ideas c# oledb share improve this question There's no 64 bit version of..

Scientific notation when importing from Excel in .Net


anyway to prevent this from happening Chris c# .net excel oledb share improve this question The OleDb library will more..

C#/ASP.NET Oledb - MS Excel read “Unspecified error”


for free tools libraries. c# asp.net excel exception oledb share improve this question Make sure you are closing your..

OLEDB, Writing Excel cell without leading apostrophe


values looks as '123 'abc etc... Any idea c# .net excel oledb apostrophe share improve this question http support.microsoft.com..

OleDB not supported in 64bit mode?


mode which works but is not desirable. c# .net csv 64bit oledb share improve this question Here is a discussion of what..

Is there a “proper” way to read CSV files [duplicate]


samples on the web roll their own csv reader parser or use OleDb. It's not a problem using any of these solutions I was just..

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER


Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER I'm using OleDb to read from.. Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER I'm using OleDb to read from an excel workbook with many sheets. I need to read.. the dictionary 1 GERMANY 2 UK 3 IRELAND I've tried using OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable and that gives me the list of..

Reading attached files from database using OLE-DB


using the OLE DB classes. The Problem is that this code OleDbDataReader reader Command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read Console.WriteLine.. share improve this question I realise you asked for OleDb but with DAO you could say something like DBEngine dbe new DBEngine..

Data type mismatch in criteria expression | Access, OleDb, C#


type mismatch in criteria expression Access OleDb C# I read update data from MS Access using C#. My code is public.. DateTime.Now string sql @ UPDATE Customers SET LastLogin OleDbParameter prms new OleDbParameter new OleDbParameter @LastLogin.. @ UPDATE Customers SET LastLogin OleDbParameter prms new OleDbParameter new OleDbParameter @LastLogin logintime using DAL dal..

Accessing Excel Spreadsheet with C# occasionally returns blank value for some cells


cells return their data without problems. I am using the OleDb method to access the Excel file. After retrieving the data with..

Scientific notation when importing from Excel in .Net


don't have any control over the original file . I use the OleDb library to fill up a dataset I hate writing that code. Seriously.. c# .net excel oledb share improve this question The OleDb library will more often than not mess up your data in an Excel.. Blech To avoid this you're better off skipping the OleDb and reading the sheet directly yourself. You can do this using..

Help with a OleDB connection string for excel files


those settings are defined in the registry. For the ACE OleDb driver they're stored at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft..

C#/ASP.NET Oledb - MS Excel read “Unspecified error”


Edition. This application reads Excel files using OleDb but there are instances when we get an Unspecified Error exception.. to be able to create modify and delete files there. OleDb connection string Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source.. is System.Exception FileParsingFailed System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Unspecified error at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor..

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?


rip the data out that is probably good enough You could OleDb that will work too. I hope that gets you started let me know..

Is order of parameters for database Command object really important?


the code never failed as such. This is the code condb.Open OleDbCommand dbcom new OleDbCommand UPDATE Word SET word sentence.. such. This is the code condb.Open OleDbCommand dbcom new OleDbCommand UPDATE Word SET word sentence mp3 WHERE id AND exercise_id.. mp3 wd.Mp3 But after some tweaking this worked condb.Open OleDbCommand dbcom new OleDbCommand UPDATE Word SET word sentence..

Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed]


Open a DB connection in this example with OleDB OleDbConnection con new OleDbConnection dbConnectionString con.Open..

How in .Net do I Import Values from a CSV in the format I want using OleDB?


do I Import Values from a CSV in the format I want using OleDB I have a CSV file that has a column that contains strings that.. through as DBNull.Value. I'm assuming this is because OleDB is treating that column as an integer the data points come through..

ConnectionString For Getting An Excel File Problem


machine you're hosting the file on doesn't have the ACE OleDB for office driver installed. I would switch to the JetOleDB.. for office driver installed. I would switch to the JetOleDB driver A Jet OleDB connection string looks like Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0.. installed. I would switch to the JetOleDB driver A Jet OleDB connection string looks like Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0..

Help with a OleDB connection string for excel files


with a OleDB connection string for excel files The problem i'm having is..

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#


wanted to use C# instead of VBA. The typical way is to use OleDB to connect to Access. I used an OleDbDataReader to grab millions.. ways to write records to Access from C#. Both ways involve OleDB and ADO.NET. The first is to generate INSERT statements one..

OleDB not supported in 64bit mode?


not supported in 64bit mode I've been using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0..