

c# Programming Glossary: official

Could not load type 'AjaxControlToolkit.Sanitizer.AntiXssSanitizerProvider'.


sanitizer is no longer supported as of June 2012. From the official announcement apparantely the new version of AntiXss breaks too..

Parse JSON in C#


Homepage content The American Dairy Association u0026#39 s official site includes recipes and information on nutrition and storage..

Reading Excel Files as a Server Process


problems using the Excel API and then came across the official Microsoft on Office Automation which states that the Excel API..

Self deletable application in C# in one executable


to be left after the update process. There is an official .Net OneClick but due to some incompatibilities with my HTTP..

Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed]


Properties Constructors Methods closed Is there a C# official guideline for the order of items in terms of class structure..

Parsing CSV files in C#


CSV files in C# Is there a default official recommended way to parse CSV files in C# I don't want to roll..

C# DateTime.Now precision


could explain this behavior in DateTime Is there an official precision documented for DateTime.Now e.g. precise to within.. to the microsecond Most people do not have any source for official time signals that are accurate to the microsecond. Therefore..

How do I pronounce “=>” as used in lambda expressions in .Net


greater than 16. In fact I asked this very question on the official linq pre release forums and Anders Hejlsberg responded by saying..

Keep window on top and steal focus in WinForms


application e.g. notepad . Since Windows 2000 there is no official mechanism for an application to grab focus without direct intervention..

multimap in .NET


the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies either expressed or implied of Solutions Design. ..

can i use ADFS 2.0 to authenticate certain users against SQL Server


Directory AD DS . This is not explicitly documented in the official AD FS 2.0 documentation but it follows from the following two..

MVC3 + Ninject - How to?


Application_Start. See http www.planetgeek.ch 2010 11 13 official ninject mvc extension gets support for mvc3 and have a look..

Create shortcut on desktop C#


on the desktop using .NET Framework 3.5 and relying on an official Windows API. How can I do that c# share improve this question..

Icecast 2: protocol description, streaming to it using C#


2 streaming protocol I couldn't find those docs on the official site of Icecast. I don't want to extract the protocol description..

How to interact with Windows Media Player in C#


Just a pointer in the right direction. It's nothing official and will require a bit of digging but you should get a fairly..

The call stack does not say “where you came from”, but “where you are going next”?


5.0 be implemented with call cc To get your hands on the official documentation a bunch of white papers and a preview release..

GETting a URL with an url-encoded slash


from http stackoverflow.com a 10415482 because this is the official way to avoid this bug without using reflection to modify private..

using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF


PdfName key. Once you get that you can read through the official PDF spec and poke around a document pretty easily. If you do..

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


can't seem to find an appropriate library. Is there one An official one Are there other ways to use SQLite than with a wrapper ..