

c# Programming Glossary: method.name

How performant is StackFrame?


void TraceCall MethodBase method if traceCalls TraceCall method.Name private static void TraceCall string methodName Write to log..

Generic logging of function parameters in exception handling


namevalues new object 2 parms.Length string msg Error in method.Name for int i 0 j 0 i parms.Length i j 2 msg j j 1 namevalues..

C# Turning magic string into lambda expression


OrderByMethod typeof Queryable .GetMethods .Single method method.Name OrderBy method.GetParameters .Length 2 private static readonly.. typeof Queryable .GetMethods .Single method method.Name OrderByDescending method.GetParameters .Length 2 private static.. ThenByMethod typeof Queryable .GetMethods .Single method method.Name ThenBy method.GetParameters .Length 2 private static readonly..

Implicit version of IsAssignableFrom?


BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public where method.Name op_Implicit method.ReturnType destinationType select method..

How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied?


MethodBase method currentFrame.GetMethod Console.WriteLine method.Name public string Name get return name set TestMethod name value..

How do I get the calling method name and type using reflection? [duplicate]


frame.GetMethod var type method.DeclaringType var name method.Name Now let's say you have another class like this public class..

Get string name of property using reflection


frames 0 var method thisFrame.GetMethod var methodName method.Name Should be get_ or set_ var propertyName method.Name.Substring.. method.Name Should be get_ or set_ var propertyName method.Name.Substring 4 Edit After your clarification I'm wondering if what..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


object result typeof Queryable .GetMethods .Single method method.Name methodName method.IsGenericMethodDefinition method.GetGenericArguments..

Determine list of event handlers bound to event


Obtain parameter values from a stack frame in .NET?


frame.GetMethod sb.AppendFormat 0 1 method.DeclaringType method.Name ParameterInfo paramaters method.GetParameters foreach ParameterInfo..

How can I write a generic container class that implements a given interface in C#?


method.GetParameters var methodImpl type.DefineMethod method.Name MethodAttributes.Private MethodAttributes.Virtual method.ReturnType..