

c# Programming Glossary: megabytes

Connecting C# to Oracle


every client runing your software. This is where the most megabytes are put on the client. The instant client is provided in different..

C# and FFmpeg preferably without shell commands?


C# FileStream : Optimal buffer size for writing large files?


Is it sensible to work with buffersizes of several megabytes or should I stick to kilobyte buffers c# size buffer filestream..

How to deserialize only part of an XML document in C#


Cars the XML inside SalesPerson can be very long megabytes in size. I want to deserialize the tag but not deserialize the..

wcf conditional compression


GzipMessageEncoder just wastes tons of memory hundreds of megabytes in my particular case see my answer here WCF HttpTransport streamed..

C# “Parameter is not valid.” creating new bitmap


What is the best way to parse (big) XML in C# Code?


that the largest extract.xml might get up around 150 megabytes so obviously DOM parsers are out I've been trying to decide..

Is String.Format as efficient as StringBuilder


you're doing some serious text processing over 100's of megabytes of text or whether it's being called when a user clicks a button..

MemoryCache Strangeness


The amount of maximum memory size in megabytes. If the cache size exceeds the specified limit the memory cache..

Memory usage in C#


I want to limit the spawning of threads to say 10 megabytes of memory how would I do that c# .net multithreading memory..

Write file from assembly resource stream to disk


code to be more efficient Do you actually have hundreds of megabytes you need to write out to disk I find I rarely need code to be..

How to COUNT rows within EntityFramework without loading contents?


The problem is that each row might have many megabytes of data in a Binary field . Of course the SQL would be something..