c# Programming Glossary: mediaelement
C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20708957/c-sharp-metro-xaml-designing-the-page-for-any-of-the-screen for the playlist on the left side of the page and a MediaElement that covers the right side of the page for both audio and video.. title of the song video is on 4 5 lines the width of the MediaElement is also very small and it loses the parts of the video it destroys.. I see only half of the video that is playing on the MediaElement the buttons on the AppBar are colliding the buttons on the top..
Using MediaElement to play video from Stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7117589/using-mediaelement-to-play-video-from-stream MediaElement to play video from Stream Is it possible to use the WPF MediaElement.. to play video from Stream Is it possible to use the WPF MediaElement to play streaming video from a System.IO.Stream object The Stream.. a http URL GET then you can just assign that URL to the MediaElement.Source property see http msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.windows.controls.mediaelement.source.aspx..
Playing background audio and video both at same time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8802429/playing-background-audio-and-video-both-at-same-time out that Silverlight for WP7 did not allow me to have two MediaElements playing at the same time. What I did was create a Windows Phone.. Instance.Play Then just use the Silverlight MediaElement to play your video file. XAML MediaElement x Name VideoPlayer.. the Silverlight MediaElement to play your video file. XAML MediaElement x Name VideoPlayer AutoPlay False Width 320 Height 220 CodeBehind..
How to apply image effects like edge detection oncamera stream in Windows 8 app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9858144/how-to-apply-image-effects-like-edge-detection-oncamera-stream-in-windows-8-app is available in C# version. I had to apply the effect to a MediaElement which might not be what you need but is just as simple call.. might not be what you need but is just as simple call MediaElement.AddVideoEffect and your video file playback now applies the..