c# Programming Glossary: media
Get http:/…/File Size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/122853/get-http-file-size before I download it. The file can be a webpage image or a media file. Can this be done with HTTP headers How do I download just..
File.Copy vs. Manual FileStream.Write For Copying File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1246899/file-copy-vs-manual-filestream-write-for-copying-file problem is in regards file copying performance. We have a media management system that requires a lot of moving files around..
How to resolve a .lnk in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139010/how-to-resolve-a-lnk-in-c-sharp By default distributed link tracking tracks removable media across multiple devices based on the volume name. It also uses..
C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20708957/c-sharp-metro-xaml-designing-the-page-for-any-of-the-screen Designing the page for any of the screen I have created a media player that has on it's MainPage two main things a ListView..
Reading non-standard elements in a SyndicationItem with SyndicationFeed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/319591/reading-non-standard-elements-in-a-syndicationitem-with-syndicationfeed example of the RSS that I am loading rss version 2.0 xmlns media http search.yahoo.com mrss channel title Title of RSS feed title.. description link http youtube.com v y6_ cLWwEU0 link media player url http youtube.com v y6_ cLWwEU0 media thumbnail url.. link media player url http youtube.com v y6_ cLWwEU0 media thumbnail url http img.youtube.com vi y6_ cLWwEU0 default.jpg..
Raise event in high resolution interval/timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4212611/raise-event-in-high-resolution-interval-timer stopwatch share improve this question Using a multimedia timer should give you about 1000 events per second. This code.. ref UInt32 userCtx UInt32 rsv1 UInt32 rsv2 summary A multi media timer with millisecond precision summary param name msDelay.. ref UInt32 userCtx UInt32 eventType summary The multi media timer stop function summary param name uTimerID timer id from..
Attaching to a child process automatically in Visual Studio during Debugging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/422768/attaching-to-a-child-process-automatically-in-visual-studio-during-debugging Visual Studio during Debugging When writing plugins for media center your plugin is hosted in ehexthost.exe this exe gets.. the plugin in a seperate process. When we are debugging media browser I find the process of attaching to a second process..
C# SIP Stack/Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/498056/c-sharp-sip-stack-library how to process a SIP request response . You also need a media layer to handle audio unless your application is purely a SIP..
How to interact with Windows Media Player in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56478/how-to-interact-with-windows-media-player-in-c-sharp Media Player started seperatly by the user c# windows media wmp share improve this question I had this http forums.msdn.microsoft.com..
Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575893/why-does-my-c-sharp-client-posting-to-my-wcf-rest-service-return-400-bad-req
Using MediaElement to play video from Stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7117589/using-mediaelement-to-play-video-from-stream is being retrieved from a WCF service that stores the media files. c# wpf wcf mediaelement share improve this question.. a WCF service that stores the media files. c# wpf wcf mediaelement share improve this question IF you can make the WCF.. msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.windows.controls.mediaelement.source.aspx . For cases where such URL is not available..
HowTo Disable WebBrowser 'Click Sound' in your app only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10456/howto-disable-webbrowser-click-sound-in-your-app-only set string keyValue if value keyValue SystemRoot Media if Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major 5 Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor..
Windows Phone 8: Media file access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13467701/windows-phone-8-media-file-access Phone 8 Media file access Are there means to access audio and video files.. WP8 developers can add songs to the music library using MediaLibraryExtensions.SaveSong . Video Read write isn't available...
Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15051660/physical-disk-size-not-correct-ioctldiskgetdrivegeometry struct DiskGeometry public long Cylinders public int MediaType public int TracksPerCylinder public int SectorsPerTrack.. geometry.Cylinders bytesPerCylinder Console.WriteLine Media Type 0 geometry.MediaType Console.WriteLine Cylinders 0 geometry.Cylinders.. bytesPerCylinder Console.WriteLine Media Type 0 geometry.MediaType Console.WriteLine Cylinders 0 geometry.Cylinders Console.WriteLine..
Get BSSID (MAC address) of wireless access point from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187777/get-bssid-mac-address-of-wireless-access-point-from-c-sharp wireless access point from C# How can I get the BSSID MAC Media Access Control address of the wireless access point my system..
How can I play video files using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2127445/how-can-i-play-video-files-using-c improve this question You should be able to use the Media Player control to play media files. Example of playing audio.. you should be able to adapt it to video C# WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer Player private void PlayFile String url Player new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer.. private void PlayFile String url Player new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer Player.PlayStateChange new WMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEventHandler..
WPF image resources http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347614/wpf-image-resources somewhere BitmapImage x Key MyImageSource UriSource .. Media Image.png Then in your code use something like Image Source..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/409563/best-practices-for-exception-management-in-java-or-c-sharp online Best Practices for Exception Handling O'Reilly Media Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET Best Practices Exception..
VSTO Outlook Embed Image MailItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4196160/vsto-outlook-embed-image-mailitem .Contains body Get Image Link string imagePath @ D Media Imagenes 100MSDCF DSC00632.JPG object linkAddress http www.pentavida.cl..
Deserializing JSON when sometimes array and sometimes object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5224697/deserializing-json-when-sometimes-array-and-sometimes-object string Fb_Object_Id get set JsonConverter typeof FacebookMediaJsonConverter public List FacebookMedia get set public string.. typeof FacebookMediaJsonConverter public List FacebookMedia get set public string Permalink get set Without using the FacebookMediaJsonConverter.. public string Permalink get set Without using the FacebookMediaJsonConverter I get an error Cannot deserialize JSON object into..
Working way to make video from images in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539257/working-way-to-make-video-from-images-in-c-sharp only the first frame shows when I play the AVI in Windows Media Player. Well that and if you try to create a compressed video..
How to interact with Windows Media Player in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56478/how-to-interact-with-windows-media-player-in-c-sharp to interact with Windows Media Player in C# I am looking for a way to interact with a standalone.. way to interact with a standalone full version of Windows Media Player. Mostly I need to know the Path of the currently played.. there really isn't any way to do it with Windows Media Player at least not in .Net C# without any heavy use of pinvoke..
Directshow filter access threading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6296642/directshow-filter-access-threading example if you need to access methods in the class named Media that uses internally some classes or methods from the DirectshowLib.. I develop some time ago in C# 2.0 public abstract class Media ISynchronizeInvoke .... private readonly System.Threading.SynchronizationContext..
Using MediaElement to play video from Stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7117589/using-mediaelement-to-play-video-from-stream MediaElement to play video from Stream Is it possible to use the.. to play video from Stream Is it possible to use the WPF MediaElement to play streaming video from a System.IO.Stream object.. this question IF you can make the WCF deliver the Media Object via a http URL GET then you can just assign that URL..