c# Programming Glossary: jumped
How does C# compilation get around needing header files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1917935/how-does-c-sharp-compilation-get-around-needing-header-files did not deeply study it's compilation model. Recently I jumped on the bandwagon and have begun studying Objective C. My first..
What to use: var or object name type? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236878/what-to-use-var-or-object-name-type reread Jon Skeet's post and this quote from Eric Lippert jumped out at me Implicitly typed locals are just one small way in..
Storing date/times as UTC in database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2580478/storing-date-times-as-utc-in-database happen in the UK for example because at 1am the clocks jumped forward to 2am. The long and the short of it is that if you're..
Split large text string into variable length strings without breaking words and keeping linebreaks and spaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815021/split-large-text-string-into-variable-length-strings-without-breaking-words-and length to be different. for example The quick brown fox jumped over the red fence. The blue dog dug under the fence. I would.. resulting in this Line 1 The Line 2 quick brown Line 3 fox jumped over the Line 4 red fence. Line 5 The blue dog Line 6 dug under..
When NOT to use the Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/517600/when-not-to-use-the-entity-framework in according to Dan Simmons. EDIT I've just realised I jumped the gun and like a good politician didn't actually answer the..
Performance issue: comparing to String.Format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761121/performance-issue-comparing-to-string-format that should favor my code a little more The quick brown 0 jumped over the lazy 1 . As I expected this fares much better compared..