c# Programming Glossary: jsonconverter
JSON.net - field is either string or List<string> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10121804/json-net-field-is-either-string-or-liststring string Directors get set Converter class MoviesConverter JsonConverter public override bool CanConvert Type objectType return objectType..
Parsing ISO Duration with JSON.Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12633588/parsing-iso-duration-with-json-net ISO 8601 Duration strings. public class TimeSpanConverter JsonConverter public override void WriteJson JsonWriter writer object value..
C# JSON custom serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4547550/c-sharp-json-custom-serialization to use newton json dll . Second your need create custom JsonConverter for KeyValuePair like this public class PairConverter JsonConverter.. for KeyValuePair like this public class PairConverter JsonConverter public override bool CanConvert Type objectType return objectType.. writer.WriteValue item.Value writer.Flush And than add JsonConverter attribute for 'Age' property like this public class Persons..
Deserializing JSON when sometimes array and sometimes object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5224697/deserializing-json-when-sometimes-array-and-sometimes-object Fb_Object_Type get set public string Fb_Object_Id get set JsonConverter typeof FacebookMediaJsonConverter public List FacebookMedia.. Fb_Object_Id get set JsonConverter typeof FacebookMediaJsonConverter public List FacebookMedia get set public string Permalink get.. string Permalink get set Without using the FacebookMediaJsonConverter I get an error Cannot deserialize JSON object into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1..
Using Json.net - partial custom serialization of a c# object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404303/using-json-net-partial-custom-serialization-of-a-c-sharp-object this question You can do this by creating your own JsonConverter and then adding an attribute to the class you want to serialise.. adding an attribute to the class you want to serialise JsonConverter typeof MyConverter Example here http www.lostechies.com blogs..
Json.NET: Deserializing nested dictionaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416017/json-net-deserializing-nested-dictionaries IDictionary string object json new JsonConverter new MyConverter Documentation CustomCreationConverter with..
How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8030538/how-to-implement-custom-jsonconverter-in-json-net-to-deserialize-a-list-of-base to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects I am.. I am specifically looking for custom JsonConverter implementation to handle this. The documentation and examples.. get the the overridden ReadJson method implementation in JsonConverter right. c# json json.net deserialization newtonsoft share..
Serializing null in JSON.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8833961/serializing-null-in-json-net Hmm new feature . So I turned to implementing a custom JsonConverter . While the implementation itself was a breeze unfortunately.. converter for null strings public class StringConverter JsonConverter public override bool CanConvert Type objectType return typeof..
Cannot deserialize JSON array into type - Json.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9452901/cannot-deserialize-json-array-into-type-json-net share improve this question You have to write a custom JsonConverter public class CountryModelConverter JsonConverter public override.. a custom JsonConverter public class CountryModelConverter JsonConverter public override bool CanConvert Type objectType if objectType.. that converter I also had to switch some int to string JsonConverter typeof CountryModelConverter public class CountryModel public..