c# Programming Glossary: jsonproperty
Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11126242/using-jsonconvert-deserializeobject-to-deserialize-json-to-a-c-sharp-poco-class example. Keypoints are Declaration of Accounts Use of JsonProperty attribute . using WebClient wc new WebClient var json wc.DownloadString.. User's username. eg sergiotapia mrkibbles matumbo summary JsonProperty username public string Username get set summary A User's name... name. eg Sergio Tapia John Cosack Lucy McMillan summary JsonProperty name public string Name get set summary A User's location. eh..
Deserializing JSON data to C# using JSON.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2546138/deserializing-json-data-to-c-sharp-using-json-net JSON source My class is defined as public class MyAccount JsonProperty PropertyName username public string UserID get set JsonProperty.. PropertyName username public string UserID get set JsonProperty PropertyName givenname public string GivenName get set JsonProperty.. PropertyName givenname public string GivenName get set JsonProperty PropertyName sn public string Surname get set JsonProperty PropertyName..
How to parse json in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6620165/how-to-parse-json-in-c for debugging or display Attributes like JsonIgnore and JsonProperty can be added to a class to customize how a class is serialized..