c# Programming Glossary: image2
Are there any 'ok' Image Recognition libraries for .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/152028/are-there-any-ok-image-recognition-libraries-for-net two images TemplateMatch matchings tm.ProcessImage image1 image2 check similarity level if matchings 0 .Similarity 0.95 do something..
process.start() arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3268022/process-start-arguments the following command into dos it will work fine ffmpeg f image2 i frame d.jpg vcodec mpeg4 b 800k video.avi When I try to use.. path ffmpeg.exe ffmpeg.StartInfo.Arguments f image2 i frame d.jpg vcodec mpeg4 b 800k video.avi ffmpeg.Start Any..
convert image sequence using ffmpeg http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3275865/convert-image-sequence-using-ffmpeg of jpegs to a video using the following syntax ffmpeg f image2 i frame d.jpg vcodec mpeg4 b 800k video.avi it works a treat..
Image.Save(..) throws a GDI+ exception because the memory stream is closed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336387/image-save-throws-a-gdi-exception-because-the-memory-stream-is-closed Now lets use a nice dispose etc... Bitmap2 image2 using Stream originalBinaryDataStream2 new MemoryStream data.. Stream originalBinaryDataStream2 new MemoryStream data image2 new Bitmap originalBinaryDataStream2 image2.Save @ C temp pewpew.jpg.. data image2 new Bitmap originalBinaryDataStream2 image2.Save @ C temp pewpew.jpg This throws the GDI exception. Does..
A PictureBox Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144371/a-picturebox-problem but you can simply replace transparentImg for image1 and image2 to suitable images. Once the demo is started the middle image.. image1 g.DrawImageUnscaled transparentImg new Point 140 20 image2 g.DrawImageUnscaled transparentImg movingPicturePosition image3..
Working way to make video from images in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539257/working-way-to-make-video-from-images-in-c-sharp are broken. Given this command line ffmpeg r 1 f image2 i jpeg .jpg video.avi One of the builds reads the images and.. message that says cannot find suitable codec for file jpeg image2.jpg . Helpful that. In any case FFMPEG looks like a non starter..
Combine two Images into one new Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7206510/combine-two-images-into-one-new-image images side by side. Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap image1.Width image2.Width Math.Max image1.Height image2.Height using Graphics g.. Bitmap image1.Width image2.Width Math.Max image1.Height image2.Height using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage bitmap g.DrawImage..