c# Programming Glossary: idchild
Detect active window changed using C# without polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4372055/detect-active-window-changed-using-c-sharp-without-polling hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime DllImport user32.dll static.. hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime Log.Text GetActiveWindowTitle..
Is there Windows system event on active window changed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4407631/is-there-windows-system-event-on-active-window-changed hWinEventHook DWORD dwEvent HWND hwnd LONG idObject LONG idChild DWORD dwEventThread DWORD dwmsEventTime your code here share..
build visual studio project through the command line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5669765/build-visual-studio-project-through-the-command-line
asynchronously GetForegroundWindow via SendMessage or something? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8840926/asynchronously-getforegroundwindow-via-sendmessage-or-something hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime DllImport user32.dll static.. hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime Console.WriteLine Foreground..
Setting up Hook on Windows messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9665579/setting-up-hook-on-windows-messages hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime DllImport user32.dll static.. hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject int idChild uint dwEventThread uint dwmsEventTime filter out non HWND namechanges..... namechanges... eg. items within a listbox if idObject 0 idChild 0 return Console.WriteLine Text of hwnd changed 0 x8 hwnd.ToInt32..