c# Programming Glossary: httputilitylencode
Escape text for HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1005264/escape-text-for-html
What is an MvcHtmlString and when should I use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2293357/what-is-an-mvchtmlstring-and-when-should-i-use-it a new code nugget syntax . Essentially foo translates to HttpUtility.HtmlEncode foo . The team is trying to get developers to use instead of..
C# HtmlEncode - ISO-8859-1 Entity Names vs Numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4853920/c-sharp-htmlencode-iso-8859-1-entity-names-vs-numbers Entity Name gt Entity Number #62 For a given string the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode returns an HTML encoded String but I can't figure out how it..
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode doesn't encode everything http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547634/httputility-htmlencode-doesnt-encode-everything doesn't encode everything I am interacting with a web server.. #9806 #9807 #9808 #9809 #9810 #9811 But for my client HttpUtility.HtmlEncode does not convert these characters it leaves them as is. What.. string value call the normal HtmlEncode first char chars HttpUtility.HtmlEncode value .ToCharArray StringBuilder encodedValue new StringBuilder..
Integrating Facebook chat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7221622/integrating-facebook-chat the parameters using HttpUtility.UrlEncode instead of HttpUtility.HtmlEncode . Now I've hard coded the Access token verified it in the Access..