c# Programming Glossary: gmail
GMail SMTP via C# .Net errors on all ports http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1082216/gmail-smtp-via-c-sharp-net-errors-on-all-ports stackoverflow.com questions 704636 sending email through gmail smtp server with c but I've tried all the syntax I could find.. My code currently is var client new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential me@gmail.com mypass.. smtp.gmail.com 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential me@gmail.com mypass EnableSsl true client.Send me@gmail.com me@gmail.com..
Import Address Book from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085498/import-address-book-from-gmail-hotmail-yahoo-using-c-sharp-and-asp-net can somebody tell me how to import all of my contacts from gmail yahoo hotmail and so on.. and i want to send an invitation for..
Sending email through gmail SMTP on GoDaddy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225103/sending-email-through-gmail-smtp-on-godaddy email through gmail SMTP on GoDaddy Is this possible I am able to send through.. anyone managed to achieve this I'm using C# c# .net smtp gmail godaddy share improve this question It appears that GoDaddy.. It appears that GoDaddy blocks the SSL ports required by gmail's smtp access. This means you are out of luck at this point...
c# SmtpClient class not able to send email using gmail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1311749/c-sharp-smtpclient-class-not-able-to-send-email-using-gmail SmtpClient class not able to send email using gmail I'm having trouble sending email using my gmail account. Im.. using gmail I'm having trouble sending email using my gmail account. Im pulling my hair out. The same settings work fine.. port 465 with no luck. SmtpClient ss new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 ss.Credentials new NetworkCredential username pass ss.EnableSsl..
Sending email in .NET through Gmail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32260/sending-email-in-net-through-gmail I play on my show. Is it possible to do c# .net email gmail share improve this question Be sure to use System.Net.Mail.. using System.Net.Mail var fromAddress new MailAddress from@gmail.com From Name var toAddress new MailAddress to@example.com To.. const string body Body var smtp new SmtpClient Host smtp.gmail.com Port 587 EnableSsl true DeliveryMethod SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network..
change sender address when sending mail through gmail in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3871577/change-sender-address-when-sending-mail-through-gmail-in-c-sharp sender address when sending mail through gmail in c# I ve used the following code to send mail from my web.. code to send mail from my web application using a gmail account.. Can i change the sender address to another address.. address to another address other than original sender gmail address.. System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage..
Send email using System.Net.Mail through gmail. (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4677258/send-email-using-system-net-mail-through-gmail-c email using System.Net.Mail through gmail. C# I want to send a email through gmail server. I have put.. through gmail. C# I want to send a email through gmail server. I have put the following code but it is getting stuck.. 465 smtp.UseDefaultCredentials true smtp.Host smtp.gmail.com smtp.EnableSsl true recipient address mail.To.Add new MailAddress..
using c# .net librarires to check for IMAP messages from gmail servers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545724/using-c-sharp-net-librarires-to-check-for-imap-messages-from-gmail-servers c# .net librarires to check for IMAP messages from gmail servers Does anyone have any sample code in that makes use..
Sending email through Gmail SMTP server with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704636/sending-email-through-gmail-smtp-server-with-c-sharp services such as GoDaddy and Gmail. c# .net email smtp gmail share improve this question CVertex make sure to review your.. void Main string args var client new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential myusername@gmail.com.. 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential myusername@gmail.com mypwd EnableSsl true client.Send myusername@gmail.com..
Send Email via C# through Google Apps account http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757987/send-email-via-c-sharp-through-google-apps-account true Create the credentials to login to the gmail account associated with my custom domain string sendEmailsFrom.. SmtpClient mailClient new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 mailClient.EnableSsl true mailClient.DeliveryMethod.. deliveryMethod Network network host smtp.gmail.com port 587 userName example@domain.com password password..
Import Address Book from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085498/import-address-book-from-gmail-hotmail-yahoo-using-c-sharp-and-asp-net Address Book from Gmail Hotmail Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET Hi can somebody tell me..
Sending email in .NET through Gmail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32260/sending-email-in-net-through-gmail email in .NET through Gmail Instead of relying on my host to send email I was thinking.. email I was thinking of sending the messages though my Gmail account. The emails are personalized emails to the bands I play..
change sender address when sending mail through gmail in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3871577/change-sender-address-when-sending-mail-through-gmail-in-c-sharp gmail networkcredentials share improve this question Gmail doesn't allow you to change the FROM to something different..
Read Gmail Inbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4461946/read-gmail-inbox Gmail Inbox I want to read my Gmail Inbox by using Google.GData.Client.dll.. Gmail Inbox I want to read my Gmail Inbox by using Google.GData.Client.dll . How do I accomplish.. found GMailAtomFeed Create the object and get the feed RC.Gmail.GmailAtomFeed gmailFeed new RC.Gmail.GmailAtomFeed username..
Adding an attachment to email using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034503/adding-an-attachment-to-email-using-c-sharp code from this answer Sending Email in .NET Through Gmail . The trouble I'm having is adding an attachment to the email...
How to load web browser with web response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6172239/how-to-load-web-browser-with-web-response in an application that creates online accounts Let suppose Gmail When user run application i navigate the WebBrowser control..
Accessing Imap in C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670183/accessing-imap-in-c-sharp this question One more IMAP library for .NET Freeware Gmail support Save messages like Drafts more here http hellowebapps.com..
Sending email through Gmail SMTP server with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704636/sending-email-through-gmail-smtp-server-with-c-sharp email through Gmail SMTP server with C# For some reason the accepted answer or.. others don't work for me for Sending email in .NET through Gmail . Why would it not work UPDATE I have tried all the answers.. supports my favourite SMTP services such as GoDaddy and Gmail. c# .net email smtp gmail share improve this question CVertex..
What are best practices for using SmtpClient, SendAsync and Dispose under .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7276375/what-are-best-practices-for-using-smtpclient-sendasync-and-dispose-under-net-4 customized to the user. The WCF is hosted on Azure and Gmail is used as the mailer. c# smtpclient share improve this question..
Send Email via C# through Google Apps account http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757987/send-email-via-c-sharp-through-google-apps-account emails successfully through Google Apps when I use the Gmail interface. However I want to send an email via code. In order.. email address with which you're trying to authenticate at Gmail. Note With .NET 4.0 you can insert enableSsl true into web.config..
“The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.” using Gmail SMTP server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777607/the-remote-certificate-is-invalid-according-to-the-validation-procedure-using invalid according to the validation procedure.&rdquo using Gmail SMTP server I'm getting this error The remote certificate is.. validation procedure. whenever I try to send e mail using Gmail's SMTP server in my C# code. Can someone point me to the right..
Failure sending mail via Google SMTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7806944/failure-sending-mail-via-google-smtp
Can't auth to Gmail smtp via MailMessage & smtpClient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9104645/cant-auth-to-gmail-smtp-via-mailmessage-smtpclient auth to Gmail smtp via MailMessage smtpClient I cannot figure out for the.. Credentials new NetworkCredential myemail@gmail.com myGmailPasswordHere EnableSsl true Timeout 10000 smtp.Send mail I.. use Credentials new NetworkCredential myemail@gmail.com myGmailPasswordHere . If you set the credentials first when you set..