c# Programming Glossary: filemode.create
XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212742/xml-serialize-generic-list-of-serializable-objects personTypes FileStream fs new FileStream Personenliste.xml FileMode.Create serializer.Serialize fs personen fs.Close personen null Deserialize..
How do you check for permissions to write to a directory or file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130617/how-do-you-check-for-permissions-to-write-to-a-directory-or-file filename using FileStream fstream new FileStream filename FileMode.Create using TextWriter writer new StreamWriter fstream try catch.. using FileStream fstream new FileStream filename FileMode.Create using TextWriter writer new StreamWriter fstream try catch..
Why does BinaryWriter prepend gibberish to the start of a stream? How do you avoid it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1488486/why-does-binarywriter-prepend-gibberish-to-the-start-of-a-stream-how-do-you-avo fs static BinaryWriter w fs new FileStream filename FileMode.Create w new BinaryWriter fs w.Write test w.Close fs.Close Unfortunately..
Redirect stdout+stderr on a C# Windows service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1579074/redirect-stdoutstderr-on-a-c-sharp-windows-service status IntPtr handle filestream new FileStream logfile.txt FileMode.Create streamwriter new StreamWriter filestream streamwriter.AutoFlush..
Need help with creating PDF from HTML using itextsharp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2593116/need-help-with-creating-pdf-from-html-using-itextsharp 65 try using FileStream fs new FileStream TestOutput.pdf FileMode.Create PdfWriter.GetInstance document fs using StringReader stringReader.. 65 try using FileStream fs new FileStream TestOutput.pdf FileMode.Create PdfWriter.GetInstance document fs HtmlParser.Parse document..
Print existing PDF (or other files) in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273675/print-existing-pdf-or-other-files-in-c-sharp using FileStream fs new FileStream tempFile FileMode.Create fs.Write formPdfData 0 formPdfData.Length fs.Flush try string..
ITextSharp insert text to an existing pdf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992617/itextsharp-insert-text-to-an-existing-pdf size open the writer FileStream fs new FileStream newFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write PdfWriter writer PdfWriter.GetInstance document..
using Plupload with ASP.NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350686/using-plupload-with-asp-net-c fs new FileStream Path.Combine uploadPath fileName chunk 0 FileMode.Create FileMode.Append var buffer new byte fileUpload.InputStream.Length.. FileStream Server.MapPath ~ TicketUploads fileName chunk 0 FileMode.Create FileMode.Append Byte buffer new Byte fileUpload.InputStream.Length.. fs new FileStream Path.Combine uploadPath fileName chunk 0 FileMode.Create FileMode.Append var buffer new byte fileUpload.InputStream.Length..
Saving Bitmap as PNG on WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7378946/saving-bitmap-as-png-on-wp7 var writeStream new IsolatedStorageFileStream fileName FileMode.Create store encoder.Encode image writeStream c# windows phone 7.. using var stream new IsolatedStorageFileStream fileName FileMode.Create store encoder.Encode img stream stream.Close share improve..
Itextsharp: Adjust 2 elements on exactly one page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590071/itextsharp-adjust-2-elements-on-exactly-one-page PDF init using FileStream fs new FileStream outputFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write FileShare.None using Document document new..
using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8140339/using-itextsharp-to-extract-and-update-links-in-an-existing-pdf using FileStream FS new FileStream BaseFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write FileShare.Read using PdfWriter writer PdfWriter.GetInstance.. reader above using FileStream FS new FileStream OutputFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write FileShare.None using Document Doc new Document..
Save and load MemoryStream to/from a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8624071/save-and-load-memorystream-to-from-a-file to a file using FileStream file new FileStream file.bin FileMode.Create System.IO.FileAccess.Write byte bytes new byte ms.Length ms.Read..
Write file from assembly resource stream to disk http://stackoverflow.com/questions/864140/write-file-from-assembly-resource-stream-to-disk BinaryWriter writer new BinaryWriter new FileStream path FileMode.Create long bytesLeft reader.BaseStream.Length while bytesLeft 0 ..