c# Programming Glossary: filelength
HRESULT: 0xC00CE556 - Loading string to XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13188815/hresult-0xc00ce556-loading-string-to-xml 0 DataReader reader new DataReader readStream uint fileLength await reader.LoadAsync uint stream.Size string content reader.ReadString.. uint stream.Size string content reader.ReadString fileLength XmlDocument myXML new XmlDocument myXML.LoadXml content.ToString..
How to get the file size of a “System.Drawing.Image” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221345/how-to-get-the-file-size-of-a-system-drawing-image following code to get size of original file in bytes. var fileLength new FileInfo filePath .Length If you get your image from other.. estimatedLength estimatedLength can be original fileLength image.Save ms ImageFormat.Jpeg save image to stream in Jpeg..
File Copy with Progress Bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6044629/file-copy-with-progress-bar SourceFilePath FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read long fileLength source.Length using FileStream dest new FileStream DestFilePath.. double persentage double totalBytes 100.0 fileLength dest.Write buffer 0 currentBlockSize cancelFlag false OnProgressChanged..
How to use the 7z SDK to compress and decompress a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7646328/how-to-use-the-7z-sdk-to-compress-and-decompress-a-file properties 0 5 Read in the decompress file size. byte fileLengthBytes new byte 8 input.Read fileLengthBytes 0 8 long fileLength.. file size. byte fileLengthBytes new byte 8 input.Read fileLengthBytes 0 8 long fileLength BitConverter.ToInt64 fileLengthBytes.. new byte 8 input.Read fileLengthBytes 0 8 long fileLength BitConverter.ToInt64 fileLengthBytes 0 coder.SetDecoderProperties..