c# Programming Glossary: cylinder
Practical usage of virtual functions in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1062102/practical-usage-of-virtual-functions-in-c-sharp r 0 public override double Area return 4 pi x x class Cylinder Dimensions public Cylinder double r double h base r h public.. Area return 4 pi x x class Cylinder Dimensions public Cylinder double r double h base r h public override double Area return.. c new Circle r Dimensions s new Sphere r Dimensions l new Cylinder r h Display results Console.WriteLine Area of Circle 0 F2 c.Area..
Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15051660/physical-disk-size-not-correct-ioctldiskgetdrivegeometry internal struct DiskGeometry public long Cylinders public int MediaType public int TracksPerCylinder public int.. long Cylinders public int MediaType public int TracksPerCylinder public int SectorsPerTrack public int BytesPerSector Native.. DiskGeometry Marshal.FreeHGlobal geometryBlob long bytesPerCylinder long geometry.TracksPerCylinder long geometry.SectorsPerTrack..