c# Programming Glossary: childnodes
HTML agility pack - removing unwanted tags without removing content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12787449/html-agility-pack-removing-unwanted-tags-without-removing-content strong node.Name em node.Name u node.Name #text var childNodes node.SelectNodes . . text if childNodes null foreach var.. #text var childNodes node.SelectNodes . . text if childNodes null foreach var child in childNodes nodes.Enqueue child.. . . text if childNodes null foreach var child in childNodes nodes.Enqueue child parentNode.InsertBefore child node ..
Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805457/populate-winforms-treeview-from-datatable Recursively call this function for all childRowsl TreeNode childNodes RecurseRows childRows Add all childnodes to this node. node.Nodes.AddRange.. Add all childnodes to this node. node.Nodes.AddRange childNodes Mark this noteID as dirty already added . doneNotes.Add noteID.. Recursively call this function for all childRowsl TreeNode childNodes RecurseRows childRows Add all childnodes to this node. node.Nodes.AddRange..