

c# Programming Glossary: bytestoread

How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C#


bool swallowCarriageReturn false while position 0 int bytesToRead Math.Min position int.MaxValue bufferSize int position bufferSize.. int.MaxValue bufferSize int position bufferSize position bytesToRead stream.Position position StreamUtil.ReadExactly stream buffer.. position StreamUtil.ReadExactly stream buffer bytesToRead If we haven't read a full buffer but we had bytes left over..

How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.)


WebRequest.Create loginUri byte inBuf new byte 100000 int bytesToRead int inBuf.Length int bytesRead 0 while bytesToRead 0 int n str.Read.. int bytesToRead int inBuf.Length int bytesRead 0 while bytesToRead 0 int n str.Read inBuf bytesRead bytesToRead if n 0 break bytesRead.. 0 while bytesToRead 0 int n str.Read inBuf bytesRead bytesToRead if n 0 break bytesRead n bytesToRead n FileStream fstr new FileStream..

Download/Stream file from URL - asp.net


many bytes to read at a time and send to the client int bytesToRead 10000 Buffer to read bytes in chunk size specified above byte.. bytes in chunk size specified above byte buffer new Byte bytesToRead The number of bytes read try Create a WebRequest to get the.. Read data into the buffer. length stream.Read buffer 0 bytesToRead and write it out to the response's output stream resp.OutputStream.Write..

WPF Image UriSource and Data Binding using http:\\ URL


memoryStream new MemoryStream byte bytebuffer new byte BytesToRead int bytesRead reader.Read bytebuffer 0 BytesToRead while bytesRead.. byte BytesToRead int bytesRead reader.Read bytebuffer 0 BytesToRead while bytesRead 0 memoryStream.Write bytebuffer 0 bytesRead.. bytebuffer 0 bytesRead bytesRead reader.Read bytebuffer 0 BytesToRead image.BeginInit memoryStream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin image.StreamSource..

Reading from the serial port in C#


going to be another packet coming in. In between packets BytesToRead is 0 so I can't use it. When reading data to the buffer to you.. e byte data new byte serialPort.BytesToRead serialPort.Read data 0 data.Length data.ToList .ForEach b recievedData.Enqueue..