c# Programming Glossary: bw
Mobile Device Detection in asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13086856/mobile-device-detection-in-asp-net di m r s avan be ck ll nq bi lb rd bl ac az br e v w bumb bw n u c55 capi ccwa cdm cell chtm cldc cmd co mp nd craw da it.. kgt klon kpt kwc kyo c k le no xi lg g k l u 50 54 a w libw lynx m1 w m3ga m50 ma te ui xo mc 01 21 ca m cr me rc ri mi..
Serving large files with C# HttpListener http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13385633/serving-large-files-with-c-sharp-httplistener byte buffer new byte 64 1024 int read using BinaryWriter bw new BinaryWriter response.OutputStream while read fs.Read buffer.. 0 Thread.Sleep 200 take this out and it will not run bw.Write buffer 0 read bw.Flush seems to have no effect bw.Close.. take this out and it will not run bw.Write buffer 0 read bw.Flush seems to have no effect bw.Close response.StatusCode..
Update UI from multiple worker threads (.NET) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097284/update-ui-from-multiple-worker-threads-net doing the work in their DoWork handlers BackgroundWorker bw new BackgroundWorker bw.WorkerReportsProgress true bw.DoWork.. DoWork handlers BackgroundWorker bw new BackgroundWorker bw.WorkerReportsProgress true bw.DoWork your background work here.. bw new BackgroundWorker bw.WorkerReportsProgress true bw.DoWork your background work here bw.ProgressChanged your UI..
How append data to a binary file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398418/how-append-data-to-a-binary-file FileMode.Append FileAccess.Write FileShare.None using var bw new BinaryWriter fileStream bw.Write intData bw.Write stringData.. FileShare.None using var bw new BinaryWriter fileStream bw.Write intData bw.Write stringData bw.Write lotsOfData share.. using var bw new BinaryWriter fileStream bw.Write intData bw.Write stringData bw.Write lotsOfData share improve this answer..
binary file to string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2980182/binary-file-to-string new FileStream C tvout.exe FileMode.Create BinaryWriter bw new BinaryWriter fs2 bw.Write rebin fs2.Close bw.Close this.. FileMode.Create BinaryWriter bw new BinaryWriter fs2 bw.Write rebin fs2.Close bw.Close this does not work the result.. bw new BinaryWriter fs2 bw.Write rebin fs2.Close bw.Close this does not work the result has exactly the same size..
How do I run a simple bit of code in a new thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363377/how-do-i-run-a-simple-bit-of-code-in-a-new-thread button1_Click object sender EventArgs e BackgroundWorker bw new BackgroundWorker this allows our worker to report progress.. this allows our worker to report progress during work bw.WorkerReportsProgress true what to do in the background thread.. true what to do in the background thread bw.DoWork new DoWorkEventHandler delegate object o DoWorkEventArgs..
Cross-thread operation not valid [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5037470/cross-thread-operation-not-valid there. Or use a BackgroundWorker BackgroundWorker bw new BackgroundWorker bw.DoWork s e create items bw.RunWorkerCompleted.. BackgroundWorker BackgroundWorker bw new BackgroundWorker bw.DoWork s e create items bw.RunWorkerCompleted s e databind UI.. bw new BackgroundWorker bw.DoWork s e create items bw.RunWorkerCompleted s e databind UI element bw.RunWorkerAsync..
converting a base 64 string to an image and saving it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5400173/converting-a-base-64-string-to-an-image-and-saving-it new FileStream saveLocation FileMode.Create BinaryWriter bw new BinaryWriter fs try bw.Write imageBytes finally fs.Close.. FileMode.Create BinaryWriter bw new BinaryWriter fs try bw.Write imageBytes finally fs.Close bw.Close The top imageUrl.. fs try bw.Write imageBytes finally fs.Close bw.Close The top imageUrl declartion is taking in a Base64 image..
C#.net - How to alert program that the thread is finished (event driven)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5551258/c-net-how-to-alert-program-that-the-thread-is-finished-event-driven its work is done. Here's an example public void start var bw new BackgroundWorker define the event handlers bw.DoWork sender.. var bw new BackgroundWorker define the event handlers bw.DoWork sender args do your lengthy stuff here this will happen.. stuff here this will happen in a separate thread ... bw.RunWorkerCompleted sender args if args.Error null if an exception..
Converting blob back to original file type and making it available for download http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8592455/converting-blob-back-to-original-file-type-and-making-it-available-for-download fs Writes the BLOB to a file .bmp . BinaryWriter bw Streams the BLOB to the FileStream object. int bufferSize 100.. logo pub_id .bmp FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write bw new BinaryWriter fs Reset the starting byte for the new BLOB... beyond the size of the buffer. while retval bufferSize bw.Write outbyte bw.Flush Reposition the start index to the end..