

c# Programming Glossary: bytedata

Error 502 (Bad Gateway) when sending a request with HttpWebRequest over SSL


rqst.ContentType application x www form urlencoded byte byteData Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postdata rqst.ContentLength byteData.Length.. Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postdata rqst.ContentLength byteData.Length using Stream postStream rqst.GetRequestStream postStream.Write.. Stream postStream rqst.GetRequestStream postStream.Write byteData 0 byteData.Length postStream.Close HttpWebRequest rqst .KeepAlive..

Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient


return if dataRead 0 DropConnection return byte byteData ar.AsyncState as byte _incomingData _incomingData.Append byteData.Take.. ar.AsyncState as byte _incomingData _incomingData.Append byteData.Take dataRead .ToArray bool exitWhile false while exitWhile..

Insert blob in oracle database with C#


DestinationLoc in the file system Create a byte array byte byteData new byte 0 fetch the value of Oracle parameter into the byte.. 0 fetch the value of Oracle parameter into the byte array byteData byte OracleBlob cmd.Parameters 1 .Value .Value get the length.. length of the byte array int ArraySize new int ArraySize byteData.GetUpperBound 0 Write the Blob data fetched from database to..

Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request?


Create a byte array of the data we want to send byte byteData UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes data Set the content length in the.. length in the request headers request.ContentLength byteData.Length Write data using Stream postStream request.GetRequestStream.. postStream request.GetRequestStream postStream.Write byteData 0 byteData.Length Get response using HttpWebResponse response..