c# Programming Glossary: autocomplete
How to produce non-sequential prefix collection indices with MVC HTML Editor templates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11267354/how-to-produce-non-sequential-prefix-collection-indices-with-mvc-html-editor-tem 0 idsToReuse.Dequeue Guid.NewGuid .ToString autocomplete off is needed to work around a very annoying Chrome behaviour.. string.Format input type hidden name 0 .index autocomplete off value 1 collectionName itemIndex return BeginHtmlFieldPrefixScope..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output script type text javascript document .ready function .tb .autocomplete source function request response .ajax url AutoComplete.asmx.. Display. return array return cmpList c# jquery asp.net autocomplete share improve this question Those modifications to your.. javascript document .ready function 'input name tbAuto ' .autocomplete source function request response .ajax url AutoComplete.asmx..
Resize borderless window on bottom right corner http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1535826/resize-borderless-window-on-bottom-right-corner window on bottom right corner like I can resize the autocomplete window of the combobox control. I cannot find the properties..
WinForms ComboBox DropDown and Autocomplete window both appear http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3064780/winforms-combobox-dropdown-and-autocomplete-window-both-appear in the combobox Type '5' '1' ... i.e. I'm looking to use autocomplete to search for 515 516 etc. You'll see that the autocomplete.. to search for 515 516 etc. You'll see that the autocomplete window now appears ON TOP of the drop down list. However if.. I mouse over it's the obscured drop down window behind the autocomplete window that's receiving the mouse events including the click...
Is this thread.abort() normal and safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421389/is-this-thread-abort-normal-and-safe this thread.abort normal and safe I created a custom autocomplete control when the user press a key it queries the database server.. user is typing that fast then they probably don't expect autocomplete anyway. Regarding your updated Abort free code You're now launching.. typist might create a score of threads before the first autocomplete callback has had a chance to finish even with a fast connection..
How can I dynamically change auto complete entries in a C# combobox or textbox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/515561/how-can-i-dynamically-change-auto-complete-entries-in-a-c-sharp-combobox-or-text 2 After trying various other things such as changing the autocomplete in a worker thread and using BeginInvoke to simulate PostMessage.. probably better off implementing it yourself. c# winforms autocomplete combobox textbox share improve this question I had the same..
C# AutoComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/796195/c-sharp-autocomplete AutoComplete I am trying to add an autocomplete feature to a textbox the results are coming from a database... The correct results are returned if we do not use the autocomplete and just toss the results into an array. Any advice EDIT Here.. the behavior. Some people have implemented their own autocomplete functions by overriding the OnTextChanged event. That's probably..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output AutoComplete multiple Output I am using jQuery AutoComplete to fetch results.. AutoComplete multiple Output I am using jQuery AutoComplete to fetch results from a DataBase based on the value inputted... source function request response .ajax url AutoComplete.asmx FetchEmailList data 'prefix' ' request.term ' dataType..
AutoComplete TextBox Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1357853/autocomplete-textbox-control TextBox Control I want to have a textbox control that it give.. be the best way to do things but should work this.textBox1.AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend this.textBox1.AutoCompleteSource.. do things but should work this.textBox1.AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend this.textBox1.AutoCompleteSource AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap function '#tbPerson' .autocomplete source '@Url.Action AutoComplete ' .details_link .click function var id this .data target..
ComboBox AutoComplete Custom Capabilities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1776390/combobox-autocomplete-custom-capabilities AutoComplete Custom Capabilities How can I extend the AutoComplete feature.. AutoComplete Custom Capabilities How can I extend the AutoComplete feature of a WinForm ComboBox to for example find matches of.. that best matches what the user has typed you can set the AutoCompleteMode property on the ComboBox to AutoCompleteMode.Append and..
Comma or semicolon-delimited AutoComplete TextBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290865/comma-or-semicolon-delimited-autocomplete-textbox or semicolon delimited AutoComplete TextBox I would like to have a TextBox that supports AutoComplete.. TextBox I would like to have a TextBox that supports AutoComplete and lets users type multiple words separated by a comma or semicolon.. for each word. I have a standard TextBox with textBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange new apple banana carrot textBox.AutoCompleteMode..
ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3694720/combobox-autocomplete-on-substring AutoComplete on SubString In one of my WinForms applications I have a window.. from being able to type the CustomerName in and get the AutoComplete anyway. That means that I actually want to look for the best.. Then go to the form designer and drag a new ClsCustomAutoCompleteTextbox onto your form. Then you should be able to run it. I..
How can I dynamically change auto complete entries in a C# combobox or textbox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/515561/how-can-i-dynamically-change-auto-complete-entries-in-a-c-sharp-combobox-or-text valid entries are far too numerous to populate the AutoCompleteStringCollection at startup. As an example suppose I'm letting.. tried the following code void InitializeComboBox ComboName.AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend ComboName.AutoCompleteSource.. code void InitializeComboBox ComboName.AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend ComboName.AutoCompleteSource AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource..
C# AutoComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/796195/c-sharp-autocomplete AutoComplete I am trying to add an autocomplete feature to a textbox the.. the auto complete. Currently the code looks something like AutoCompleteStringCollection acsc new AutoCompleteStringCollection txtBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource.. looks something like AutoCompleteStringCollection acsc new AutoCompleteStringCollection txtBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource acsc txtBox1.AutoCompleteMode..