

c# Programming Glossary: avg

C#: Is this benchmarking class accurate?


return watch.ElapsedTicks You can use it like this var avg Benchmark.This SomeMethod .Take 500 .Average Any feedback Does..

Standard deviation of generic list? [duplicate]


double ret 0 if values.Count 0 Compute the Average double avg values.Average Perform the Sum of value avg _2_2 double sum.. Average double avg values.Average Perform the Sum of value avg _2_2 double sum values.Sum d Math.Pow d avg 2 Put it all together.. Sum of value avg _2_2 double sum values.Sum d Math.Pow d avg 2 Put it all together ret Math.Sqrt sum values.Count 1 return..

Try-catch speeding up my code?


long start 0 stop 0 elapsed 0 double avg 0.0 long temp Fibo 1 for int i 1 i 100000000 i start Stopwatch.GetTimestamp.. Fibo 100 stop Stopwatch.GetTimestamp elapsed stop start avg avg double elapsed avg i Console.WriteLine Elapsed avg Console.ReadKey.. 100 stop Stopwatch.GetTimestamp elapsed stop start avg avg double elapsed avg i Console.WriteLine Elapsed avg Console.ReadKey..