c# Programming Glossary: autosize
Accuracy of TextRenderer.MeasureText results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1087157/accuracy-of-textrenderer-measuretext-results the following two issues Often when a Label is set to AutoSize TextRenderer will report a width that is 1 pixel wider than..
C# WinForms - Smart TextBox Control to auto-Format Path length based on Textbox width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397860/c-sharp-winforms-smart-textbox-control-to-auto-format-path-length-based-on-tex class PathLabel Label Browsable false public override bool AutoSize get return base.AutoSize set base.AutoSize false protected override.. false public override bool AutoSize get return base.AutoSize set base.AutoSize false protected override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs.. override bool AutoSize get return base.AutoSize set base.AutoSize false protected override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs e TextFormatFlags..
In C# what is the difference between ToUpper() and ToUpperInvariant()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3550213/in-c-sharp-what-is-the-difference-between-toupper-and-toupperinvariant Text invariant Location new Point 20 20 Font bigFont AutoSize true new Label Text cultured Location new Point 20 100 Font.. Text cultured Location new Point 20 100 Font bigFont AutoSize true Application.Run f For more on Turkish see this Turkey..
Spawn a new thread to open a new window and close it from a different thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698080/spawn-a-new-thread-to-open-a-new-window-and-close-it-from-a-different-thread button new Button Name Start Text Start second UI thread AutoSize true Location new Point 10 10 button.Click s e if secondThreadFormHandle.. button new Button Name Stop Text Stop second UI thread AutoSize true Location new Point 10 40 Enabled false button.Click s e.. Controls.Add button new Button Text Start second UI thread AutoSize true Location new Point 10 10 button.Click s e if secondThreadForm..
Is the size of a Form in Visual Studio designer limited to screen resolution? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6651115/is-the-size-of-a-form-in-visual-studio-designer-limited-to-screen-resolution to place a panel inside the form. Set the Autoscroll and AutoSize properties of the Parent Form to true. Then increase the panel..
Resizing a Single Control In WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770094/resizing-a-single-control-in-winforms multi line textbox. For what you need don't mess with the AutoSize or AutoSizeMode... those properties control how a control changes.. textbox. For what you need don't mess with the AutoSize or AutoSizeMode... those properties control how a control changes size based.. how it resizes based on its container's behavior. Think of AutoSize AutoSize mode as inward looking while Anchor Dock are outward..
How do you automatically resize columns in a DataGridView control AND allow the user to resize the columns on that same grid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1025670/how-do-you-automatically-resize-columns-in-a-datagridview-control-and-allow-the question This trick works for me grd.DataSource DT 'set autosize mode grd.Columns 0 .AutoSizeMode DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells.. so we can store them For i 0 To grd.Columns.Count 1 'store autosized widths Dim colw As Integer grd.Columns i .Width 'remove autosizing.. 'set width to calculated by autosize grd.Columns i .Width colw Next What happens here is that you..
C# ListView Column Width Auto http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1257500/c-sharp-listview-column-width-auto share improve this question You gave the answer 2 will autosize the column to the length of the text in the column header 1.. to the length of the text in the column header 1 will autosize to the longest item in the column. All according to MSDN . Note.. width property of the column or columns that you want to autosize according to data in ListView control. share improve this answer..