c# Programming Glossary: attacker
Keep url encoded while using URI class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11034569/keep-url-encoded-while-using-uri-class dots to appear in the path because this is a common way to attacker a server when the URI scheme supports path compression. But..
How to authenticate client application for trust of messages sent from it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1138831/how-to-authenticate-client-application-for-trust-of-messages-sent-from-it encryption since it could just be impersonated the attacker could just sign messages with the stored public key and send..
How to protect .Net exe from Decompiling/Cracking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11711446/how-to-protect-net-exe-from-decompiling-cracking from scratch. A obfuscateor will not prevent a determined attacker they only thing that can prevent it is keeping the binary out.. software is complex enough it may not be feeseable for the attacker to recreate the server side code. The downside to this approach.. a lot of fingerprints and they will need to be subtle if a attacker can get two copies of the program and can compare the files..
What technique can protect a secret from a fully trusted user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2150912/what-technique-can-protect-a-secret-from-a-fully-trusted-user data estimate its value to you estimate its value to an attacker think of what vulnerabilities expose the resource to attack.. the resource to attack characterize the threat who is the attacker and what is their motivation Once you know the resources threats.. For example resource my TV set Value to me 400 value to attacker 40 vulnerability unlocked bathroom window threat thieves or..
Why do I need to use the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class (in .NET) instead of directly using the password as a key or IV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2659214/why-do-i-need-to-use-the-rfc2898derivebytes-class-in-net-instead-of-directly password as the key. On the other hand with PBKDF2 the attacker first has to perform 1000 hash iterations for each password.. user only slightly it has a disproportionate effect on an attacker. In fact it's quite common to use much higher iteration counts.. key attacks. Related key attacks are possible when an attacker knows some data encrypted with several keys and there is some..
Checking an assembly for a strong name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308756/checking-an-assembly-for-a-strong-name testing the strong name after the assembly got loaded. An attacker could simply inject a module constructor in the assembly and.. Improving startup times by about 40 . Key point is once an attacker compromises the machine to a point where he is able to inject..