android Programming Glossary: weakhashmap
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app String imageViews Collections.synchronizedMap new WeakHashMap ImageView String ExecutorService executorService public ClassImageLoader..
Android : Where should a OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener be defined/registered the source a bit it seems SharedPreferencesImpl uses a WeakHashMap to contain registered listeners source lines 72 73 186 196 meaning..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] String imageViews Collections.synchronizedMap new WeakHashMap ImageView String ExecutorService executorService Handler handler..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences keeps listeners in a WeakHashMap. This means that you cannot use an anonymous inner class as.. but eventually will get garbage collected removed from the WeakHashMap and stop working. Keep a reference to the listener in a field..
How to use WeakReference in Java and Android development? when memory usage gets too high often implemented with WeakHashMap . Be sure to check out SoftReference and PhantomReference as.. has raised some concerns over implementing a cache with WeakHashMap . Here is an article laying out the problems WeakHashMap is.. WeakHashMap . Here is an article laying out the problems WeakHashMap is not a cache Tom is right that there have been complaints..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? at the SimpleCursorAdapter implementation which uses a WeakHashMap a map of WeakReferences WeakHashMap View View mHolders new WeakHashMap.. which uses a WeakHashMap a map of WeakReferences WeakHashMap View View mHolders new WeakHashMap View View share improve..
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app new ClassMemoryCache ClassFileCache fileCache private Map ImageView String imageViews Collections.synchronizedMap new WeakHashMap ImageView String ExecutorService executorService public ClassImageLoader Context context fileCache new ClassFileCache context..
Android : Where should a OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener be defined/registered not actually listen to anything if you don't. Having dug into the source a bit it seems SharedPreferencesImpl uses a WeakHashMap to contain registered listeners source lines 72 73 186 196 meaning that failing to unregister won't cause a leak. As you..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] new MemoryCache FileCache fileCache private Map ImageView String imageViews Collections.synchronizedMap new WeakHashMap ImageView String ExecutorService executorService Handler handler new Handler handler to display images in UI thread public..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently android preferences share improve this question This is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences keeps listeners in a WeakHashMap. This means that you cannot use an anonymous inner class as a listener as it will become the target of garbage collection.. soon as you leave the current scope. It will work at first but eventually will get garbage collected removed from the WeakHashMap and stop working. Keep a reference to the listener in a field of your class and you will be OK provided your class instance..
How to use WeakReference in Java and Android development? example is a cache that you want to be garbage collected when memory usage gets too high often implemented with WeakHashMap . Be sure to check out SoftReference and PhantomReference as well. EDIT Tom has raised some concerns over implementing a.. check out SoftReference and PhantomReference as well. EDIT Tom has raised some concerns over implementing a cache with WeakHashMap . Here is an article laying out the problems WeakHashMap is not a cache Tom is right that there have been complaints about.. Tom has raised some concerns over implementing a cache with WeakHashMap . Here is an article laying out the problems WeakHashMap is not a cache Tom is right that there have been complaints about poor Netbeans performance due to WeakHashMap caching...
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?