

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:11

android Programming Glossary: v.setbackgroundresource

How to prevent Button inside ListItem getting highlight


switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.my background break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case..

TabWidget current tab bottom line color


v.findViewById android.R.id.title if tv null continue v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.your_tab_selector_drawable There might be an easier..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


row color based on selected state if selectedPos position v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.stocks_selected_gradient holder.nameText.setTextColor.. holder.changeText.setTextColor Color.WHITE else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.stocks_gradient holder.nameText.setTextAppearance..

Change ListView background - strange behaviour


ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else v.setBackgroundResource.. R.drawable.row_blue_selected else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue TESTING Log.d onClick Channel onClick..

ListView item LongClick state for selector


a LongClick Set the background back to the normal one. v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.bubblelight else if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE.. longpress So set the background back to the normal one. v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.bubblelight return false I also used an OnLongClickListener..

How can I add separating lines between my TableRows that are created programmatically?


LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.rowseparator_shape tr.addView mTvDate tr.addView..

Android GridView reorder elements via Drag and Drop


break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_selected break .. break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_unselected break.. break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_unselected break..

How to prevent Button inside ListItem getting highlight


@Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.my background break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL You can use another background..

TabWidget current tab bottom line color


this is an indicator and not a divider. TextView tv TextView v.findViewById android.R.id.title if tv null continue v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.your_tab_selector_drawable There might be an easier way to do this by setting your own customer indicator layout..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


from the view holder ViewHolder v.getTag change the row color based on selected state if selectedPos position v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.stocks_selected_gradient holder.nameText.setTextColor Color.WHITE holder.priceText.setTextColor Color.WHITE holder.changeText.setTextColor.. Color.WHITE holder.priceText.setTextColor Color.WHITE holder.changeText.setTextColor Color.WHITE else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.stocks_gradient holder.nameText.setTextAppearance getApplicationContext R.style.BlueText holder.priceText.setTextAppearance..

Change ListView background - strange behaviour


mvh MyViewHolder viewHolder Channel ch Channel mvh.data ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue TESTING Log.d onClick Channel onClick.. ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue TESTING Log.d onClick Channel onClick Channel ch.getTitle selected ch.getSelected return mvh Code..

ListView item LongClick state for selector


This means we didn't hold long enough to get a LongClick Set the background back to the normal one. v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.bubblelight else if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Do Nothing else if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL.. This means we are scrolling on the list not trying to longpress So set the background back to the normal one. v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.bubblelight return false I also used an OnLongClickListener inside this I set the background back to the normal..

How can I add separating lines between my TableRows that are created programmatically?


like so View v new View this v.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.rowseparator_shape tr.addView mTvDate tr.addView mTvResult tl.addView tr tl.addView v But it only gets added..

Android GridView reorder elements via Drag and Drop


break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_selected break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED v.setBackgroundResource.. R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_selected break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_unselected break case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP if event.getLocalState v result.. dropItem items.add index dropItem adapter.notifyDataSetChanged break case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_image_view_small_gallery_unselected break default result false break return result int..