android Programming Glossary: statusupdate
Android twitter tweet with image [duplicate] twitter status from android use twitter4j library public void uploadPic File file String message throws Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic.. use twitter4j library public void uploadPic File file String message throws Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage..
Android twitter4j upload image @throws Exception exception if any public void uploadPic File file String message Twitter twitter throws Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file twitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic.. if any public void uploadPic File file String message Twitter twitter throws Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file twitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance System.out.println in update status try twitter.updateStatus Hello World StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate messageToPost System.out.println Length of Message is messageToPost.trim .length System.out.println.. conf .getInstance System.out.println in update status try twitter.updateStatus Hello World StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate messageToPost System.out.println Length of Message is messageToPost.trim .length System.out.println App file status.setMedia..