

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:04

android Programming Glossary: state_selected

android button selector


drawable @drawable numpad_button_bg_selected android state_selected true item item android drawable @drawable numpad_button_bg_pressed..

How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock?


item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android state_selected true item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android.. item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android state_selected true item android drawable @color holo_light_background android..

Inflate ListView row from OnClickListener in Android?


item android drawable @drawable pause_button android state_selected true item android drawable @drawable play_button selector 1.Create..

Android - styling seek bar


@drawable red_scrubber_control_focused_holo android state_selected true item android drawable @drawable red_scrubber_control_normal_holo..

ListView item background via custom selector


it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected that you must use. Use a state drawable for the background of.. http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @color android transparent item android..

Android ImageButton with a selected state?


http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @drawable info_icon_solid_with_shadow..

Add shadow to custom shape on Android


android drawable @drawable ic_button_red_selected android state_selected true selected item android drawable @drawable ic_button_red_default..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android state_focused false android state_pressed false.. false android drawable @drawable tab_selected item android state_selected false android state_focused false android state_pressed false.. tab_focused item android state_focused true android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable..

How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android


true android drawable @drawable cookiee item android state_selected true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable.. true android drawable @drawable cookie item android state_selected true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable..

Android GridView draw dividers


http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @drawable item_border_selected item android..

Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable


focused states item android state_focused false android state_selected false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable.. darklogo item android state_focused false android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable.. Focused states item android state_focused true android state_selected false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable..

android button selector


android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android drawable @drawable numpad_button_bg_selected android state_selected true item item android drawable @drawable numpad_button_bg_pressed android state_pressed true item item android drawable..

How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock?


@color holo_light_selected android state_checked true item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android state_selected true item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android state_pressed true item android drawable @color holo_light_background.. @color holo_light_selected android state_checked true item android drawable @color holo_light_selected android state_selected true item android drawable @color holo_light_background android state_pressed true item android drawable @color holo_light_background..

Inflate ListView row from OnClickListener in Android?


8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android drawable @drawable pause_button android state_selected true item android drawable @drawable play_button selector 1.Create a global variable Imageview previous in your Custom Adapter..

Android - styling seek bar


android state_pressed true item android drawable @drawable red_scrubber_control_focused_holo android state_selected true item android drawable @drawable red_scrubber_control_normal_holo selector Custom red_scrubber_progress.xml layer list..

ListView item background via custom selector


I've been frustrated by this myself and finally solved it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected that you must use. Use a state drawable for the background of your list item and use a different state drawable for listSelector.. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @color android transparent item android drawable @drawable listitem_normal selector layout.xml that..

Android ImageButton with a selected state?


for me xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @drawable info_icon_solid_with_shadow item android drawable @drawable info_icon_outline_with_shadow..

Add shadow to custom shape on Android


android state_focused true focused item android drawable @drawable ic_button_red_selected android state_selected true selected item android drawable @drawable ic_button_red_default default selector hope this can help you..good luck ..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android state_focused false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable tab_selected item android state_selected.. true android state_focused false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable tab_selected item android state_selected false android state_focused false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable tab_normal item android state_pressed.. item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable tab_focused item android state_focused true android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable tab_selected selector drawable tab_text_selector.xml xml version..

How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android


item android state_focused true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable cookiee item android state_selected true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable cookiee item android drawable @drawable cookiee selector.. item android state_focused true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable cookie item android state_selected true android state_window_focused true android drawable @drawable cookie item android drawable @drawable cookie selector..

Android GridView draw dividers


xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_selected true android drawable @drawable item_border_selected item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable item_border_selected..

Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable


xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android Non focused states item android state_focused false android state_selected false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable darklogo item android state_focused false android state_selected.. false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable darklogo item android state_focused false android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable lightlogo Focused states item android state_focused true android.. state_pressed false android drawable @drawable lightlogo Focused states item android state_focused true android state_selected false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable lightlogo item android state_focused true android state_selected..